small image on 4x6 paper


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Platinum Printer Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
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Canon MP990
Another possibility is to stitch 4 images together using a free-ware program like Irfan View. The result is one image that will fill your 4"x6" paper. You can stitch four different or identical images together as you like.Also see this thread, and note the last post.

Here is a scan of the four sample images from Windows XP stitched together to one image. This is printed in normal mode without scaling on a sheet of 4"x6" photo paper, click to enlarge:


Remember to reset scaling to 100% after you have finished printing downscaled images, else you will get a surprise next time you print photos.


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
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United Kingdom
Printer Model
Canon MP610
The biggest issue when trying to upscale or down scale an image is normally the aspect ratio of the image, not a problem if you want to scale an image down see it does not fill a page but can be if you want to scale it up to fill the page. This is part of the problem with the Easy-PhotoPrint EX software from Canon. It normally wants to scale up to try to fill the page (you can prevent and adjust with its fiddly border settings this but it normally requires a lot of messing around from my experience). Scaling up an image to A4 as an example will normally result in either a border (blank margin) being placed around the image or a small part of the phot gets cropped off to fill the page. If the OP just wants to scale down an image to fit on a paper type larger than the image it should work fine but can still be fiddly.

@PeterBJ you should not have to export the image from word to any other program, what you may have to do (depends on the image size) is go into words "page setup" function and reduce the margins of the selected paper type down to as near a 0 (zero) as it word will allow you to go. Any scaling percents you do then should when doing your print preview look even more accurate :)

EDIT @PeterBJ you do not have to use a seperate program to do image stitching like that either. Paste you four images into word and this time select your printer properties and select "page setup" select the paper size you want, and then pick "Page Layout Printing" click "specify" and you can choose how many pages (or in this case images) to a page. Again may require experimentation but once sussed its easy.