Looking for Stripe Band for CANON MG5350


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
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Perols... south of France
Printer Model
canon MP620
Maybe the print head is completely clogged. Maybe there is an electrical malfunction in the print head and it is irreversible. It is unlikely that two printers would have the same issue NOT related to the print head, however, there is the very rare chance that an electrical failure in the print head can cause an electrical failure in the logic assay board -- and vice versa.

The most important thing at this point is to NOT print anything other than a nozzle check until function is restored or else risk burning out the nozzles permanently (if not already).

Obviously, all the ink cartridges must be known to function, ie have ink and the ink flows out appropriately. Some use the gentle squeeze technique to see if ink will drip out. Others uses a paper towel and press the cartridges' ink exit ports onto it to contact the sponge within and see if and how ink deposits on the paper towel.

It might be that you will need new cartridges, or flush/reset/refill the old cartridges to ensure properly functioning cartridges. The idea here is to not confuse ink starvation from poorly functioning cartridge with a problem in the print head. Remove as many confounding causes as possible to help narrow the culprit cause.

As for the print head, I would rinse under warm, not hot, water in the sink until all or little traces of ink is seen. Then soak the print head in water in a non-reactive bowl (glass, plastic, etc) containing water and several drops of liquid dish washing soap such as Dawn or Fairy with enough solution to cover the ink inlet ports of the print head. Place a folded up paper towel underneath the print head nozzle exits on the bottom - your can pump the print head up and down onto the paper towel to help hently force the solution into the print head. I change the water when it discolors or after 12 hours and change the paper towel at this time, too.

PATIENCE is the key factor here. You soak as long as your patience allows and then do it some more. I'd allow at least 24 hours if not 72 hours. Then thoroughly;y rinse the print head under the tap in the sink, gentle wipe water with a paper towel and let dry over night. Make sure no fluid is on the electrical contact area of the print head and then install back in the printer along with your new or reconditioned cartridges.

Now print a nozzle check. If nothing or only some ink appears, then try a deep clean ONE TIME ONLY and then another nozzle check. Post the nozzle checks and your observations. Let the printer sit over night - sometimes this allows for ink to seep out from the cartridges and begin flowing into the print head. The following day, try another nozzle check, post here and do nothing else with the printer till someone here give advice on next step.

Of course if the nozzle check is perfect, fingers crossed, then you are done and can start print happily again. :ya If no change, then new printer time. :hit

Hello Stratman,
thank you for your reply. I tried out a complete printhead cleaning as I'm use to do it as you described in the previous post.
Unfortunatly nothing happened at all but in a strange way my printhead was working pretty well before in my old printer wich got a problem with purge unit and I was thinking that it could come from the motherboard from the printer I got last week, wich could be defect because of a defect printhead ("please insert the right printhead" error msg).
What do you think about?
Best regards


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
Unfortunatly nothing happened at all
Please clarify. What is not happening? No power? No print head movement? No error? No nozzle check?


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Perols... south of France
Printer Model
canon MP620
Please clarify. What is not happening? No power? No print head movement? No error? No nozzle check?

Everything is working power, print head movement, no error but No nozzle check track at all. No colour, no infos on the paper shit. Normaly when the print head is clogged you can read some infos after nozzle check.That's the reason I'm thinking that something happened with the mother board.
I'm gonna try to change it with mine and I will see what happen.


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
Sounds like an electrical malfunction in the print head, the logic assay board or both. The most likely solution is a new print head.

BUT, one cannot be sure that an electrical malfunction is in the printer's logic assay board that will prevent a new print head from working OR the electrical malfunction be transmitted to the new print head and ruin it as well. Same goes for trying an electrically malfunctioning print head to a known working printer and ruining that logic assay board. These are extremely RARE crossover occurrences but they have been reported on the forum, so we mention the warning.

At this point, you have nothing to lose if you soak the print head again as I directed in an earlier post for another 48-72 hours - or as long as you can stand - and then retry in the printer you are currently using.


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Perols... south of France
Printer Model
canon MP620
Hello Stratman,
now the printer gives me an error msg concerning the print head. "U052 Please insert a right print head"
In between I have been at the recycling place and found another PIXMA MG 5350...
Brought it back Home cleaned the print head yesterday morning and tried out.
I get B200 on both printer with this new print head...
Clogged one?
What do you think about?
Best regards


Printer VIP
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Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
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The B200 error means an electronic printhead defect. No amount of cleaning can correct this error.

Apart from the operating panel and the scanner lid I think that the MG5200 and MG5300 series printers are identical or very similar.

The MG5200 series service manual is found here. See page 11/62 for the B200 error.

A damaged printhead can but does not always damage the logic board. A damaged logic board can but does not always damage a print head. So swapping print heads between printers is risky.

I guess the printer from the recycling place was dumped because of the B200 error. That is the most common cause of failure of old Canon printers. You might be lucky and find a working print head in a printer that was dumped because of a mechanical error or the ink absorbers being full.

But what will your printer do to a working print head? I cannot tell the odds for its survival. Time for a new printer?


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon MB5120, Pencil
"U052 Please insert a right print head"
The print head is either not correctly installed or it is an irreparable electronic malfunction. Take the print head out and then reinsert it. If this works then great.

If the above does not resolve all issues then you can try to source a new print head, and be willing to pay a premium price. Otherwise, you are looking at diminishing returns for your time and money and it is time to shop for a new printer.