Any news on compatible CLI-8 carts/chips?


Printer Guru
Sep 24, 2006
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New Hampshire, USA
The company Armor, in France, will release its solution to the CLI-8 chip soon. I have placed a "pre-order" for the Kit which includes an adaptor and cartridges. I don't expect to receive the order until sometime in January.


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canonfodder said:
The company Armor, in France, will release its solution to the CLI-8 chip soon. I have placed a "pre-order" for the Kit which includes an adaptor and cartridges. I don't expect to receive the order until sometime in January.
Keep us posted as to results won't ya.. :)


Printer Guru
Sep 24, 2006
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New Hampshire, USA
Latest News on French company Armor's solution to CLI-8 carts.

I wrote to a dealer in Germany named Ink4All, and I asked:

"With the new Starter Kit for iP4200 from ARMOR, do the new Armor ink cartridges have chips on them?
Exactly how does the Adapter indicate the ink level?"

And the answers were:

"The Armor cardridges have chips, this kit can be used only with Armor cardridges.

I don't know the exactly way, how the inklevel is indicated, but by using this kit ans Armor cardridges, you have a real inklevel and you can change the cartridges without any changes...

Jrgen Wenzel
Schopfheimerstr. 9
79115 Freiburg "

So now I am somewhat disappointed. We still don't know how their chips will handle refills. Perhaps this is just as bad as the original Canon chipped carts. Their cart price will be better than Canon's, with an estimate now at $8.60 US with distribution from Canada.

I am most interested in refilling. Its understandable that Armor does not share my interest.


Newbie to Printing
Feb 13, 2007
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I successfully transferred chips to new CLI-8 compatible carts but since doing a refill the cart lights flash when inserted but after resiting the lights go off and a message saying that the cartridges need replacing appears and for the moment no response from pressing the printer reset button. Does this indicate that you cannot refill compatible carts but the chips will work if you transfer them to new compatibles??


Printer Guru
Sep 24, 2006
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New Hampshire, USA

Don't worry about the cart lights going on and off. They do have meaning, but you can't do anything about their ON and OFF conditions.

When the printer decides that the chip information shows the cart to be empty, it should ask if you want to continue printing, and if you do, you should press the RESET button. BUT you must press and hold the RESET button for 5 seconds. Then the ink monitor for that cart will be disabled and you can proceed to print. As each cart is determined to be empty by the chip's info, if you put the same chip in the location (either on a compatible or on the OEM refilled) the printer will declare empty and you will have to press RESET for 5 seconds again. This 5 second press of the RESET button is all you have to do to be allowed to re-use the chip in its color slot. New compatibles or old compatibles or OEM carts should all respond the same way if you get the chips in the right place and they connect properly. Probably the best operation is by refilling the Canon OEM cart. No compatible works as well. If you go that route, look up Grandad35's instructions on purging the carts to clean the sponge. It is needed after 5 or 6 refills. Canon carts are best to refill because the patented sponge system simply works better than anyone's compatibles.


Newbie to Printing
Feb 13, 2007
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Thanks. I am not only getting that message but it leads to
"some ink tanks cannot be recognised" which suggests that the lights go off between the cover being closed and the printer re-configuring.....then
another message...
"ink tank errors have accurred-replace ink tanks on which ink lamps are off"
Lifting and reseating the tanks 9 which have the lights off ) gets the lamps on again but they apparently fail after the cover is closed.
No amount of working the printer reset button changes anything.
Have canon got some clever way of forcing one back to genuine cartridges but for the life of me I do not understand how it can recognise a refilled compatible as opposed to a refilled genuine - and particularly as it accepted the fresh compatible, in the first place.
Presumably, others have experienced this problem but I can find no other suggestion of such problems on the web


Getting Fingers Dirty
Oct 20, 2006
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Seattle WA area
rdsmith said:
Thanks. I am not only getting that message but it leads to
"some ink tanks cannot be recognised" which suggests that the lights go off between the cover being closed and the printer re-configuring.....then
another message...
"ink tank errors have accurred-replace ink tanks on which ink lamps are off"
Lifting and reseating the tanks 9 which have the lights off ) gets the lamps on again but they apparently fail after the cover is closed.
No amount of working the printer reset button changes anything.
Have canon got some clever way of forcing one back to genuine cartridges but for the life of me I do not understand how it can recognise a refilled compatible as opposed to a refilled genuine - and particularly as it accepted the fresh compatible, in the first place.
Presumably, others have experienced this problem but I can find no other suggestion of such problems on the web
rdsmith, did you transfer the chip from the OEM yellow cart to new non-OEM yellow cart, etc? Below, is a post that explains the problem that arises if you do not transfer the chip to a like colored cart...

In post #20 this link vkakula writes...
Earlier this year I had attempted to reverse engineer the communication protocol between the printer and the cartridges. The hardware interface consists of +3.3V power, Gnd, a 1 Mhz clock line, and a data line. The data line is bidirectional and the comm protocol appears to be that the printer sends some encrypted command and the corresponding cartridge (chip) replies with an answer, the data line goes low for x-number of clocks before the procedure is repeated for each of the five cartridges. I havent tried swapping chips or cartridges but know that so long as there are 5 unique (by color) chips in the carrier the printer has no way of knowing whether you populated the cartridges correctly. If you have 2 cyan chips in the carrier and in turn are missing a color then the printer will refuse to print as its message to your missing chip will not be returned for from the printers perspective it is as if youre missing a cartridge in that position or using a chipless cartridge.


Printing Ninja
Dec 1, 2006
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rdsmith said:
"ink tank errors have accurred-replace ink tanks on which ink lamps are off"
First you should make sure that the chips are positioned correctly on the cart and that nothing blocks the light path of the LED - it is needed to let the printer know where a cart is positioned in the head.

If everything is okay, you probably have a broken chip and need to replace it with a new one. Sometimes chips break (it even happens to new and barely used carts) and it is unknown why. Did you touch them when you were not grounded properly before?

If the printer indicates that multple chips may be damaged and need to be replaced, this probably means that only one chip is, and it is disturbing the other ones. Solution: Remove all carts and put them back one at a time. When the ink tank error reappers, you have found the faulty chip. You can double check in a different order to make sure that no other chip is broken.