Any interest in a simple Photo thread?


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
You should get a genuine Aboriginal view of your image and determine exactly what is important to them. Or perhaps you have?
Sadly I think I have in as much as any non Aboriginal can. I/We are not connected. There is just too much we don't see or feel and the dreaming is a verbal history carried by folks that have spiral "weight" inside that gets added to the words as they are spoken, further, there are layers of initiation thus men of different ages get to go to and see different things likewise the woman has their own.
I am not confident I can express this with the required tact, so please understand I speak as an artist and a person with strong cultural spiritual leanings, but zero conventional religious. White religion has no place on this Land it is an anathema here. However, few ' get it ' as accepting the Spiritual would necessitate forgoing White progress something we were just not cut out for in the first place...hence the clash of cultures.

In the Alice I walked the streets for two days with a Panasonic LX3 slung around my neck and my hand inside the jacket activating the shutter.

By lunchtime on day one ( about two hours) every single Aboriginal in Alice Springs knew where I was and what I was doing. No conversation no communication with me.
Those that were agreeable to being photographed ignored me and carried on as if I was not there......them what rejected LOOKED at the camera.....and them what agreed told me ENOUGH by looking directly at the camera.
Your rework has non of that " Sprit " in it, it can't, you are on the other side of the planet looking at my construct, something that has been disconnected from its natural environment and transmitted soullessly
over the airwaves......Out there tinfoil hat stuff?? Na!
Come visit.....stand at the foot of that Giant, at the pool I posted a picture of and IT WILL CHANGE YOU.

A person could write an essay on my Image and still not cover all of the parts that went into its creation cos in fact I just "let go" and allowed what got bottled up inside out, out onto the image.......and at the end of the day its just a version that articulates poorly has vast technical flaws and has consumed more hot air than it actually deserves already.

Its just a picture, as the eye actually saw it, not as the camera captured it and it says what I had to say about the experience, in my way, the darks are dark - for a reason, the texture is where it is - for a reason, the bare patches surrounded by sticks are there for a reason of considerable significance to the whole.

And in fact I am now sorry I posted it at all, it shows too much of them and me. The hand having writ , moves on.....


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Canon Pro9000 II
Well that is sad, we will have to stick to more conventional subjects.


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
Well that is sad, we will have to stick to more conventional subjects.

No not really, I just need to be a tad less " invested " in the stuff like this that I of the people I am likes to get the message out, and the other is a censor, no Idea who these other creeps are that lurk under this tinfoil with me :hide:gig:gig:gig


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Canon Pro9000 II
On a totally different topic, I just took a look at the Services (running/not running) on Task Manager. It's a bit mind blowing, what are they all doing considering I'm not doing anything much since switch on?

The reason I looked is that since I added the larger SSD, I have been getting a short delay on close down which implies something is stopping Windows closing. I am still none the wiser.


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
Printer Model
Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
On a totally different topic, I just took a look at the Services (running/not running) on Task Manager. It's a bit mind blowing, what are they all doing considering I'm not doing anything much since switch on?

The reason I looked is that since I added the larger SSD, I have been getting a short delay on close down which implies something is stopping Windows closing. I am still none the wiser.

I always had a delay and put it down to Lr,PS and the Bridge!

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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I reckon Win 7 suffers from a bit of dementia, well mine does, and I sometimes power off with the button myself, it reminds me so much of Win Me.


Printer VIP
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Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
I just took a look at the Services (running/not running) on Task Manager. It's a bit mind blowing, what are they all doing considering I'm not doing anything much since switch on?
Difficult to help you unless you tell us what services are using resources and by how much when the computer is at idle and/or you notice something different going on.

The reason I looked is that since I added the larger SSD, I have been getting a short delay on close down which implies something is stopping Windows closing.
Unless there is a problem with your SSD, then the culprit is most likely an app or driver which need to be closed before the computer can be shut down. Updating applications, including Windows and your BIOS, may resolve the issue. Some settings for Windows may be the culprit, like Page File.

Hopefully the following links can help:

I also suggest you download, install and run the free Malewarebytes Anti-Maleware program.


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Nov 5, 2004
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San Francisco
Sadly I think I have in as much as any non Aboriginal can. I/We are not connected. There is just too much we don't see or feel and the dreaming is a verbal history carried by folks that have spiral "weight" inside that gets added to the words as they are spoken, further, there are layers of initiation thus men of different ages get to go to and see different things likewise the woman has their own.
I am not confident I can express this with the required tact, so please understand I speak as an artist and a person with strong cultural spiritual leanings, but zero conventional religious. White religion has no place on this Land it is an anathema here. However, few ' get it ' as accepting the Spiritual would necessitate forgoing White progress something we were just not cut out for in the first place...hence the clash of cultures...
in 1957 I volunteered to work in the dental clinic on the Navajo reservation at Fort Defiance, Arizona, and lived on the reservation for three months. The medical intake form had two check boxes for religion - Catholic and Protestant. A sick patient might come into the hospital on one occasion and check "Catholic". Months or years later the same patient would possibly check "Protestant". Generally they had exhausted all use of tribal medicine before recognizing they were sick enough to come to the hospital. Several Christian religious groups had established small medical or social service facilities across this reservation. At that time, most of the Navajos had still held on to their native religious practices. Although there had been considerable effort to convert them, western religion was foreign to what they knew and practiced. Their connection to nature and their surroundings played an integral part of their spiritual feelings.

I was a young 23 year old and anxious to learn as much as I could of their culture. There was one particular hospital worker with whom I spoke quite often. In response to my many questions his answers were quite brief. Finally, at one point, he said, "white people ask too many questions". His intention was friendly and not to be rude. He recognized, as @3dogs so eloquently wrote, that the European American would probably not understand the depth of spiritual values that his answers might convey.

Nonetheless, he and his wife took me out to his home (a traditional Hogan) and invited me to ride his horses. Before the invasion of pickup trucks on the reservation, Horses were the one thing in the Navajo matriarchal family that men unequivocally owned. I took this as a sign of acceptance in spite of my questions that he so politely rebuffed!