Which paper fits best for photos on the wall?


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Nov 5, 2004
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San Francisco
Interesting that the majority of pictures taken now (with cell phones, primarily) are never printed. I was at a family dinner with a small, pocketable, digital camera taking pix to print, and my great niece said, "do some people still use cameras?" Sad that the printed image is going the way of the Dodo bird! In my home I pass by pictures of my family, including my now departed parents and grandparents, and appreciate that the images are up where I can see them. If we are dinosaurs, so be it. I wouldn't have it any other way!


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
Interesting that the majority of pictures taken now (with cell phones, primarily) are never printed. I was at a family dinner with a small, pocketable, digital camera taking pix to print, and my great niece said, "do some people still use cameras?" Sad that the printed image is going the way of the Dodo bird! In my home I pass by pictures of my family, including my now departed parents and grandparents, and appreciate that the images are up where I can see them. If we are dinosaurs, so be it. I wouldn't have it any other way!

I have been thinking on your post. On the surface it appears that the photographer in the family is fast dissapearing, the record images you and we value may become a thing of the past ....
I'm not so pessimistic, sure the youngies mobile image heaps, but each image is in a sense a substitute for words we did, or often neglected to share. Just because the airwaves are filled with trivia (to some) does not mean that Mom and Dad dont get recorded still. My daughter went to a very normal wedding the other day. The parents hired an old fashioned photo booth and it got a hammering. Most guests brought along a P&S, plus an official photographer......

Almost no record remains of my life till I bought a camera in my early twenties.
My dad had an old Kodak 120 film camera, but did little to record our early years in Rhodesia. Images of that era would be gold today, crikey I can remember as a pre teenager meeting men straight out if the bush, never seen a car, few, if any whites, lightbulbs etc. All passed into darkness........at least today its getting recorded at some level

Paul Verizzo

Print Addict
Apr 16, 2011
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Sarasota, FL, USA
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Canon ip4500, 9000 MK II, PRO-
Well, we have ruined a perfectly good topic by wandering elsewhere! :)

But the last few posts bring up a very important trend, the last of paper images recording our histories. Not just family, but larger topics as 3dogs ("crikey?") mentions, times that no longer exist. Everyone just presumes all their stuff is up there on a cloud forever more forever accessible......until it won't be due to some failure or business decision. Ophoto was bought by Kodak who transferred all the stuff to Shutterfly, who I think even precedes Ophoto. I was using Shutterfly 15 years ago when there was no such thing as a home photo printer, I think 4x6's cost 50 cents in low quantities, plus shipping.

Which brings up the question of how are these online printers staying in business while offering free, unlimited photo storage? Between people not printing out, ever, and more and more images, many worthless, being stored, it seems to me it's a losing proposition. Walgreens (drug store, or "chemist" for those of you who don't know proper English......) had C-411 processing in every store. Now the stores are mere transfer points, processing being done in only one location.