"unrecognized cartridge" error.


Printer Master
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May 7, 2011
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All of them! LOL
V6 is the version of the chip coding.
Mikling can tell you much more than I can on the various codings and how they pertain to each Epson model, release date and firmware version.

Often it is best to restart a fresh with either a new set of carts OEM unfortunately, refillables with the correct version chip or a new CISS, again with the correcte version chip.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Aug 5, 2012
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Mikling was very kind and answered my PM. He mentioned he's getting a new batch of chips in after January and that these might account for the chip issue.

I do need to print as soon as possible though.

In light of the above link, it appears that I would buy the top one here http://contiuousinksystemcorp.com/epson/epson.html

This contiuousinksystemcorp company is so close to my house, and if my chip problems would go away for 129 bucks, i'd definitely do it.

Should i go for it?


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
May 7, 2011
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United States
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All of them! LOL
Let talk a little bit about soe of the ways chips reset themselves.
As you know with OEM carts you print until one or more colors are declared empty or very low. So you replace those with new carts. When doing so the printer will then initiate and runa purge cycle which dumps ink into the waste pads. Within a few more prints, yiou might have another cart that is low, so you replace it and then yes, another purge cycle is initiated. It's a never ending cycle of cart changes and purge cycles.

Refillables with ARC will basically act like the OEM carts except when they reach empty ( They are not that accurate ) will show up as an unrecognized cart. You then remove it, fill it back up and upon reinsertion the chip will have reset itself to full. Thus the Auto reset name.
But remember, you will also initiate a purge cycle.

The refillables I use on some of my printers basically utilize a set of color coded but identical looking "Dampers" ( a type of cart ), a separate Chip Bar with a button that whenever one color is declared empty, you get the same unrecognized cart message, but then you refill and press the button and ALL the other colors will also be reset to full. The trick is that you should not only fill up the empty one but also the other partly empty carts since they are all reset right?

Some of the CISS units from some suppliers also utilize that type of chip bar that acts in the same way I've just described.
Why is being able to reset all the colors important? Because you will be reducing the number of "Empty" carts/colors events as you will be eliminating the "Domino" effect and thus reducing the so ridiculous required purge cycles and greatly extending the life of the waste ink pads.

I stopped using CISS units except on my Art 720 and just swap a filled and reset set of inks whenever just one is empty. Then refill the partial set back to full and put is on standby till it is needed.

When you are operating over 15 printers, you need some sort of system or go nuts for sure.