Some Good Upgrades I’ve done to my CR-10..

The Hat

Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
Residing in Wicklow Ireland
Printer Model
Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
Of all the upgrades and improvements I’ve done to my CR-10, over the past years, and there were many, here are my top 3 that I reckon are just about the best of the rest.

1/ The two extra rails I put in under the hot-bed have really made the bed movement so much smoother and stable, it’s hard to believe it’s running on rubber rollers.
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/2 To stabilise the printer and cut down on vibration caused by the hot-end diddering back and forth, I added two extension bars onto the upright frame left & right side, these have made a huge contribution in eliminating all vibrations

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/3 The Kitchen glass Chopping board turned out to be a God send, its reliability is second to none, on the very odd occasion when the prints failed to stick, then it’s time to clean it with W5 glass cleaner and it’s then good for another dozen or so prints…

A thumbs down..
These braces I installed ages ago turned out to be totally useless and kept getting in the Feckin way, they did cut down on some of the vibrations, but never eliminated them, unlike the new set up…
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