so tired of MP160/MP510 problems. Any advice on replacement?


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Printer Model
Canon MB5120, Pencil
First, my bad for not paying closer attention to your header. You listed the models.

Second, the error with the MP510 is either an incorrectly reset chip, a damaged/malfunctioning chip, a chip on the wrong color ink cartridge, dirt or oxidation on contact points or other surfaces which impede correct recognition (example discussion at, or worse (last post at

If you are under warranty, now would be a good time to give Support a call. Otherwise, begin with replacing ALL malfunctioning cartridges with a BRAND NEW OEM Canon cartridge. Do NOT use any aftermarket or refilled OEM cartridge unless you know it works in another machine. I would remove all doubt and potential conflict and spend the big money on new OEM cartridges. You can refill them and have a spare set ready to go when a cartridge is flagged as empty. You might also check to see if you need to clean the printhead and try a little isopropyl alcohol on a Q-tip or an alcohol swab lightly on the contact areas on the chip and printhead to remove potential oxidation or film buildup.

If that doesn't work, then we'll go to plan B (whatever that is).

Regardless, refilling OEM cartridges with good quality bulk ink and using your new chip resetter will save you hundreds of dollars or more over the life of the printer. After initial cost of cartridges and refilling tools, bulk in costs about $1.50 a cartridge. I have a spare set ready to go, so I'm never out in the middle of a printjob.

The MX700 has the CLI-8 and PGI-5 cartridges, just like the MX850. Check the Canon website for OS compatability. Look at the downloadable driver section for current OS Driver availability. You might be OK with either MX 700 or MX850 depending on just how low you need the version of 10.3X compatability to be.

Googling your error issue, it seems that many models of Canons have experienced this issue. Like any other product, sometimes you get a lemon. In this case, the lemon is not always Canon's fault (bad aftermarket cloned chip or aftermarket refilled OEM cartridge chip). Once I bought a new OEM Magenta that was unrecognized by the printer. Canon replaced the cartridge (overnight!) and all was well again.

Canons, and other inkjet printers, require little to no maintenance when properly functioning. Using OEM inks requires you to only keep environmental conditions in appropriate ranges, use appropriate media, change a cartridge when it's empty, and print something that uses all cartridges (eg a page of mixed text and graphics) every week or two (plenty of debate on this) to make sure nothing dries up and plugs up the works. Only the last item is truly different for inkjets over lasers.

The obvious benefits to a laser printer in comparison to an inkjet are fewer toner cartridge changes, no need to print anything periodically to keep from plugging up, text may look better, faster time to print first page, may have greater ppm, and cost is lower per page of text (except maybe if you refill the inkjet). Downsides - consummables cause sticker shock, refilling ain't pretty, and color laser seems not ready for prime time for SOHO and enthusiasts (cost versus quality).


Newbie to Printing
Aug 2, 2009
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michigan USA
Thanks for your time and linkage.

Re: MP510 error, Warranty's probably expired. I had done the alcohol cleaning on the chip but not the print head. The Cartridge World refiller (local) wants me to bring his refilled OEM in with my printer to see the error for himself, so if nothing else i'll get my money back for it- Maybe he can clean it up and presumably will try a different cart to see if it's just a bad chip on this one. I can otherwise check it with a new OEM PGI-5 black and see what happens...OfficeDepot allows returns on'em if non-functional for any reason, so worth a shot if refiller dude can't solve it -

Re: MP160 replacement, yeah, those mentioned sound fine...MX850 or 700.. MP780... Will scope out pricing on refurbs. Again, thanks for your good ideas,
