Refiller For The Canon Pro1 Pgi-29 Tanks

The Hat

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The first thing I have to say is, you making a complete bags of the refilling procedure for these cartridges and you need to start again but this time cut out all the shortcuts you have introduce.

The reason why two of your cartridges are not working is very simple, you have allowed air to enter the CISS tubing which has now travelled down to the print head so please note that if you continue to print while there is no ink inside the print head then you are most definitely going to damage it, so please stop printing till you can fix this problem.

Now where do I start ? First you’re going to need new refill tips for your syringes because the ones you are using are damaging the one-way inlet Valves in the cartridges which are now clearly leaking.

If you continue to use a damaged cartridge it will pump ink into the inside of your printer instead of the print head where it’s supposed to go, you will need to get new cartridges to replace any leaking ones.

To inject ink into the cartridge it is necessary to pull a vacuum on the cartridge first, this will allow a small amount ink to be sucked into the cartridge, and then repeat this process till you can get the cartridge full but not so full that the cartridges sides expand outwards excessively.

When you have filled the cartridge full of ink then pull back on the syringe plunger to withdraw a little ink and any air that may have gotten into the cartridge during the refilling process, then using a scale check the cartridge weight it should be between 80 to 85 grams before use.

The only way to solve the problem of air in the tubing is to run a system clean but unfortunately as you have found out to your dismay that you can’t run a system clean while you have the ink monitoring disabled.
System Clean.PNG Click to enlarge.

There are three ways to solve this dilemma your now facing (1) is buy a new set of OEM cartridges (Expensive) (2) to buy a set of compatible cartridges and ink (Considerably cheaper than OEM) and (3) to purchase ten sets of one time chip and fit them to your exiting cartridges (Excluding the damaged ones)

This link is to the compatible cartridge if that is what you want.
Link: No longer works

And this one is for the replacement One Time Chip for your OEM cartridges

Here is a Pic of the refill tip after it’s been modified to fit the one-way inlet Valve inlets.

upload_2014-2-23_12-26-56.png Click to enlarge.

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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I have decided to do a complete new post on how to successfully refill the Pro 1 ink tanks; this thread has gotten a bit aged now and needs up-grading.

I have been getting more and more requests for new information on this subject lately but even then some guys are still getting it a bit wrong and messing their whole procedure up.

I am going to include some photos shots as well this time, but no video I’ll leave that to the experts like @jtoolman and @Tudor..


Print Lurker
Feb 10, 2015
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Canon Pixma Pro 1
Morning gents !
I'm new there but as I own a Pro-1 I'm very interested about refilling those cartdriges so I followed the whole thread about it so far !
I bought already a brend new set of OEM inks but that's definetly costing me an arm every time so I'm looking for a cheaper way of geting them filled !

I'm searching the web as well for informations links , etc... about inks and chips

Any news concerning ARC chips or resetter since the last post ?

Thanks for help ! ;)


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All of them! LOL
I have a source for empties!

The Hat

Printer VIP
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Jan 18, 2010
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
Hi @DS-Studio and welcome, well the status quo is still the same, you either use one time chips which work extremely well and refill using 9500 inks or buy aftermarket inks/cartridges in from China as the other good alternative. (Far cheaper)

There will no ARC chips made available for these cartridges (Not enough demand) and most certainly a resetter is out of the question also because of production costs.

There are rumours of a new ink set been made exclusively for the pro 1 but that too is taking it’s time to materialise, but don’t give up hope it will come one day.

If and when ink is made available then you’re going to need one time chips on your refilled cartridges, now all dough it is very safe to run this printer without ink monitoring it doesn’t half waste huge amounts of ink if you do.

That’s just about the only news available to date, sorry..

Here are the latest refilling methods