Cartridge dries out! I think?


Printing Apprentice
Feb 25, 2008
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mikling said:
I think rubber revive fumes are a carcinogen.......causes cancer. I used to use that for my older cassette recorders. Remember those?
Yeah I still have mine! Its a Nakamichi 550 Duel Tracer Cassette deck. It was one of the first commercial grade portable decks ever made. I got it when I was in the Navy. I also have my dad's old real to real deck by Teac. The Teac doesn't work because the rubber is all dried out but the 550 still works but I don't use it much because I can not get heads for it any longer. Those Chromium Oxide tapes were just hell on the heads. I got very lucky the other day, a friend found a replacement needle for my B & O 3000 Turntable. I thought I was going to have to toss the thing and I've had it since I was a little kid. I purchased that turntable with paper route money and its been great for all these years. I have a few Vacuum tube radios I don't run anymore because vacuum tubes are getting so hard to find. I hear that shortly radio as we have known it is going away. Now there will be one frequency with an almost infinite number of multiplexed digital radio stations. No more AM, no more FM, no more Short Wave! That's really sad as I spend some serious time with my short wave radio. I do believe that pirate radio will be making a big comeback. :D