Canon Pixma MP620 error message

The Hat

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Congratulation on the return of the magenta colour (Black),
now youll be able to get back to some serious and enjoyable printing again.

There would be no need to rinse the head again just change the cartridge and print one or two 1 inch magenta strips
across a page and the colour will creep back for you in no time, to save on paper reuse previously printed stuff.

I would be a bit worried about your purge unit dough, it should have held that pool of water longer than that,
one of the pipes on the back may have come off, I would keep a eye on that if I were you.

Happy Printing.. :)


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
The Hat Unfortunately the Printer is not co-operating as suggested. Put in a top filled OEM cart tried printing some 1/2" magenta stripes (not wide enough really) black started to recede then copied a 6" fabric square which is lilac/cerise/yellow/purple. The purple is light green lilac pale blue cerise cream and yellow is YELLOW.

Ran 1 cleaning program no change, ran 1 nozzle check no change. Swopped my cart for a IJT compatible same result nothing showing on magenta at all.

I tried syringing some water on the purge pads, it does not stay on very long about 10 seconds before it has drained away.

I have some more carts I can try I was hoping the IJT would work because that would suggest a different ink would work. I can pull the head and wash it again, or buy another head, but as I had 2 perfect nozzle checks with the black ink in the magenta position surely the nozzles were working OK ?.

The fact that the yellow was correct proved that the rubber seal Tom Hock thought might be the problem is OK having switched the magenta seal to the yellow position. Whether you can alter the carts clamping pressure I do not know, difficult to see, but they are all the same. However his theory of losing the vacuum on that cart makes sense except the black cart worked fine.

The Hat

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Darn and I taught you had it sorted out and were back in business again, sorry.

I dont think your problem has anything to do with your print head or your inks.

I only suggested you use black in your magenta cartridges because that colour is easier to see
if there are any ink flow problems within your print head and eliminate that first from the picture.

I am not a lover of compatibles unless they are to be used once and then discarded,
but OEM cartridges can go wrong too and may need from time to time to visit the health farm.

Those cartridge flush clips I mention in thread #6 are a marvellous way of rejuvenating all of your OEM cartridges
which will make them perform just like new again, they are a real tonic.

I think you should look at your refilling procedure again, because you managed to get the magenta cartridge clean,
dried and refilled with black ink without any problems, but cant get the same results when using any other magenta cartridge.

This is not a direct criticism towards you merely an observation on my part
that there may be something going wrong somewhere in your refill set-up.

When a cartridge is put into your printer and you then get poor print output from it shortly afterwards,
you should immediately change that cartridge for another one and set it aside for purging later,
perhaps its becoming tired from dried ink and other particles.

If however the second cartridge is having the same issues then that cartridge will also need purging,
that may suggest there might be something wrong with the filling technique,
or your purge unit is not functioning properly.

When you remove the orange clip from your cartridge before installing it, that cartridge should show signs of dribbling
or at least dripping a few drops of ink, which would clearly suggest that it has good ink flow and therefore can be used.

Your printouts are the very first sign that there is a problem with your ink
and it is not that easy to determine where the problem actually is coming from first.

You should always start from the back, the nozzle check (No), the normal head clean (No), the cartridge (No),
the purge unit (N0) and then O lord not the darn print head, 95% of the time its the feckin Cartridge.

None of the two dozen empty OEM cartridges that I have gotten from Mikling or Websnail have ever
caused the slightest problem to me purged or not, I just swap the chips over to use..


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Even if it is a bit expensive, I suggest to try a new unused Canon OEM CLI-521 M cartridge to rule out other variables. When the print head works normally with a CLI-521 BK instead of magenta, I think your print head is OK, but all of your magenta cartridges have some kind of ink flow problem, whether refilled OEM or compatible.


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
The Hat You really try to help don't you. To clarify all the carts currently being tried are OEM and purged as per your latest instructions. Also have tried a top fill one as well as the IJT compatible. Reference post 6 used standard Octoink cart clip and hot glued a adapter on the bottom (prior to his commercial offering)

So the Magenta/BKblack was purged and filled and after 1 clean did 2 perfect nozzle checks so that should also answer [b]PeterBj query regarding using OEM and and in the past I did purchase an original OEM and it DID work. I tried the IJT yes because of 50% off offer and it was a different ink to try and rule out the I.S. ink currently is use. One thing I did notice that despite doing 1 clean, 2 nozzle checks and 1 deep clean the ink level in the IJT had not gone down much relative to some of the other colours, again indicative of poor cart flow.

I have washed and dried the head again, purged and top filled a different OEM with magenta and again have no magenta, but all other colours are fine which I assume rules out the purge pads.

In total I have tried 5 different carts, so running out of ideas, the current used carts were one use only and unmarked in any way. I took the ball out to purge/condition and refill. could only get about 75% before overflowing (squeezy bottle) but ink came out readily when I blowed into the maze.

The Hat

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To be honest with you I think you have just about covered everything except one,
and that is whats causing you your problems.

I dont think at this stage that every one of your cartridges could be problematic its not possible,
even if the air maze could have gotten blocked with dried ink.

Nozzle prints dont use much ink thats the beauty of them but they only indicate that your print head is free from clogs,
it cant and doesnt tell you the state of your cartridges you can still get excellent nozzle checks while suffering from ink starvation.

I didnt quite understand this bit however.
I took the ball out to purge/condition and refill. could only get about 75% before overflowing (squeezy bottle)
but ink came out readily when I blowed into the maze.
When you refill using the top method you would normally only get 80% ink into the reservoir anyway but it should not overflow
from the refill hole or the air maze something is not right if it does.

When you have refilled your cartridge and sealed up your refill hole and then remove the orange clip from the outlet hole,
does your cartridge leak any ink at all.

The only thing I could suggest you try is to dribble a dozen drops of alcoholic into the refill hole,
then seal up the hole and give the cartridge a good shake and leave to stand for five minutes,
now pop it into your printer and see if that makes any difference..


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
What I was referring to when doing top fill is that I get inky bubbles plus sometimes ink as well coming out when cart is approx. 50/75% full. I usually let the cart sit for a couple of minutes to see whether sponge takes up a bit more, then I try to top up. However whether it is due to using the inverted bottle or not I usually do not get much more in and it overflows. However I thought I saw a video of possibly Tudor filling his with paper stuffed in by the clip and filling it right up and letting the surplus soak into the paper. Whereas with the German method I could always fill the tank, but then the ink starvation problems started.

With regard to your other point, does ink drip when clip is removed not really so there may be a clue there. I have tonight tried dripping approx. 50 drops via.the needle onto the output filter and trying a head clean but still nothing.

I have looked at the latching but as the clip latches onto the outer rail, it cannot go any lower. You could I suppose put a packing washer under the rubber gasket, but it worked OK with the Photo Black.

Whether it is worth buying another print head am not sure. Already chucked quite a bit of money at it already, plus used a lot of the other colours doing all these cleaning cycles.

Thanks once again Brian hope you get your Pro-1 sorted. I did wonder if when a Canon engineer wants to do anything they perhaps go into service mode and enter some code to enable entry.

Tom Hock

Getting Fingers Dirty
Jun 7, 2006
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Wisconsin, USA
you said: "I tried syringing some water on the purge pads, it does not stay on very long about 10 seconds before it has drained away"

This is not normal. The pads should hold the water until the purge/priming pump sucks it through the pads. If it is just draining off without the purge/priming pump acting on it one of the small rubber tubes might have come off, as The Hat suggested. This would make the purge/priming pump ineffective because of the air/vacuum leak. You would think this would effect all the colors and not just one, but it is worth looking into.


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Tom Hock said:
you said: "I tried syringing some water on the purge pads, it does not stay on very long about 10 seconds before it has drained away"

This is not normal. The pads should hold the water until the purge/priming pump sucks it through the pads. If it is just draining off without the purge/priming pump acting on it one of the small rubber tubes might have come off, as The Hat suggested. This would make the purge/priming pump ineffective because of the air/vacuum leak. You would think this would effect all the colors and not just one, but it is worth looking into.



Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
Tom Hock said:
you said: "I tried syringing some water on the purge pads, it does not stay on very long about 10 seconds before it has drained away"

This is not normal. The pads should hold the water until the purge/priming pump sucks it through the pads. If it is just draining off without the purge/priming pump acting on it one of the small rubber tubes might have come off, as The Hat suggested. This would make the purge/priming pump ineffective because of the air/vacuum leak. You would think this would effect all the colors and not just one, but it is worth looking into.
In that case how did the Photoblack work OK but not various Magenta carts. I have now tried pulling the ball on another OEM Magenta cart but not washing out this time but filling it with Window cleaning fluid.

However I got much the same result after 1 cleaning cycle 50% streaky magenta, after a further nozzle check nothing.

I assume to get at the purge pad assembly means virtually a complete dismantling? Not sure I am up to that. I have got a MP640 Manual on the computer but not the MP620 but probably similar. The problem will be printing out the relative pages.

Anyway thanks for the ideas guys.