Bad nozzle check that changes with time on Pixma Pro 100


Newbie to Printing
Jul 29, 2021
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Printer Model
Canon Pixma Pro 100
Hi everyone and thank you for your attention.
@jtoolman @The Hat
I hope someone could help me.
I refill with Precision Colors and I have followed the instructions that Jose gives in his videos to refill the cartridges.
I have been very careful with the nozzle checks and so far I have not had any problems.
After printing about 25-30 A3 + sheets (heavy use) I started having trouble with light gray. Problems that go away after resting the printer for a few hours getting better as time goes by and with a correct result in the nozzle check. Then I print anything and the bad result of the nozzle check reappears.
Initially I thought it was an ink flow problem so i flushed the cartridge. But I still have the same problem.
I attach the nozzle checks.

nozzle check 001.jpg

nozzle check 002.jpg

nozzle check 003.jpg

I have done several cleaning cycles with immediatly bad results (the usual horizontal lines, different from the other bad result) that gets better with time too by letting the printer rest for a while so maybe is still innkflow?
I am afraid that it is an electronic problem but it does not make sense for me to go back and forth in time

I have 2 sets of cartdriges modificated and one modificate.
Any suggestions?
I think I'm going to modificate the cartdridge set to start with a new one.

Thank you so much for your attention and sorry for the bad english.


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Apr 19, 2007
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Welcome to the forum, juanmisser.

The Pro 100 is a great printer and may be one of the last to be easily refillable.

The issue is ink starvation. There is poor ink flow within the cartridge. The horizontal funnel shaped loss of ink is classic.

The solution is to thoroughly flush the cartridge, remove excess water, and then refill. Do not reinstall the cartridge until the chip / electrical contacts are completely dry or else you may cause a irreparable electrical short requiring a new print head to resolve. :barnie

Other advice:
  • If the ink is old then it might become desiccated - thickened - and not flow properly. Get new ink. Also, if there is any biological growth in the ink - fungus, mold bacteria - then get new ink and flush all the cartridges or get new ones.
  • Forum consensus is to refill a cartridge when the first warning occurs about ink used up in the spongeless side. The theory is that as you use up ink in the sponged side then air makes contact with the sponge and ink begins to dry in the sponge eventually cause poor ink flow through the sponge. Refilling before the sponge is exposed to air will prevent the drying of ink in the sponge. Some will pull all their cartridges when on needs to be filled and change in a second set of cartridges. Then you can refills and reset all the cartridges from the first set at your leisure.


Newbie to Printing
Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon Pixma ip7250
Welcome to the forum, juanmisser.

The Pro 100 is a great printer and may be one of the last to be easily refillable.

The issue is ink starvation. There is poor ink flow within the cartridge. The horizontal funnel shaped loss of ink is classic.

The solution is to thoroughly flush the cartridge, remove excess water, and then refill. Do not reinstall the cartridge until the chip / electrical contacts are completely dry or else you may cause a irreparable electrical short requiring a new print head to resolve. :barnie

Other advice:
  • If the ink is old then it might become desiccated - thickened - and not flow properly. Get new ink. Also, if there is any biological growth in the ink - fungus, mold bacteria - then get new ink and flush all the cartridges or get new ones.
  • Forum consensus is to refill a cartridge when the first warning occurs about ink used up in the spongeless side. The theory is that as you use up ink in the sponged side then air makes contact with the sponge and ink begins to dry in the sponge eventually cause poor ink flow through the sponge. Refilling before the sponge is exposed to air will prevent the drying of ink in the sponge. Some will pull all their cartridges when on needs to be filled and change in a second set of cartridges. Then you can refills and reset all the cartridges from the first set at your leisure. slope game
Good advice above.
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