What printer has replaced the Pro 3880?


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Not to mention sexy as naked elbows. :ep


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
All is not lost yet fellas. 427 on any fuel would be a pain in the arse to tow my boat, or carry my camping and fishing gear, and anyway its winter, so top down would be cold and wet.
Daimler DART is my fantasy car.

I have 'other' more pressing issues to deal with :he .........Just had my two computer towers converted to Win 10......:barnie:barnie:he:barnie:he:barnie:he:barnie:he....:lol:

Lightroom is scrambled beyond recognition.
Lightroom backups...... a SICK joke!
Catalogues utter B/S....years of careful back ups on closing.....whats in the files ....NOTHING, nothing at all.

So fortune has it that I have one, just one HDD onto which I backed up nearly all my images, from bits and pieces of small drives recovering more, and finding others on Bridge, well whats left of it, its a bloody mess too!

The Hat

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You silly wombat, you should have only done one computer at a time and learned from your mistakes.. But I’m glad you were able to salvage something, I’m the old-fashioned type, I use CD’s for back up...

Feck hard drive backups... there're as bad as the Cloud... :hu


Printer VIP
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Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
Lightroom is scrambled beyond recognition.
Lightroom backups...... a SICK joke!
Catalogues utter B/S....years of careful back ups on closing.....whats in the files ....NOTHING, nothing at all.
Things to try first:
  • Have you updated Lightroom since upgrading to Windows 10?
  • Have you tried uninstalling and then reinstalling Lightroom?
  • Is Windows 10 fully updated as well?

Will try to help if you want but need much more specifics, the more specific the better.
  1. Model of CPU, Amount of RAM and what is the graphics card or chip (GPU)?
  2. What operating system did you upgrade from -- Windows 7 or 8?
  3. What specifically is "scrambled"?
  4. What specifically is wrong with backups?
  5. What specifically is wrong with Catalogues?
  6. If error messages appear, quote them verbatim in your post.


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Fern Hill, Australia
Printer Model
Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,

Thanks for responding

No have not updated Lightroom since installing
No have subscription Lightroom
Yes Win 10 was installed by a Computer Specialist

Q1 No idea, will get that info
Q2 Win7
Q3 Lightroom itself has ' lost ' 99.999% of images that it had 1 day Prior with same HDD attached. Installer did Full Backup and checked backup integrity as he knows I'm a photographer.
Q4 Lightroom backup log - gone awol from D:
Q5 Catalogues 3 X of 1 date, 2 X another date are 2014 Vintage and all have MASSIVE data loss.
Q6 No error messages in Lightroom... simple ? just says no image at this location.

I will post a profile of this Computer Spec. and Drives asap

to be continued......:caf



Printer Master
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Fern Hill, Australia
Printer Model
Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
You silly wombat, you should have only done one computer at a time and learned from your mistakes.. But I’m glad you were able to salvage something, I’m the old-fashioned type, I use CD’s for back up...

Feck hard drive backups... there're as bad as the Cloud... :hu

Done no printing, and only really downloaded Smartphone images to Lightroom since pretty well my last post......could EASILY be 3 years @The Hat :hide

'small computer ' or working computer upgraded at the time I bought the ' BIG ' computer, both built to order.
small computer was 100% operational and Lightroom as I wanted it prior to Win 10.

' BIG ' computer had Lightroom installed, but only had a few images in it. Its sorta just sat there looking at me from under the desk and giving me a blank, dark one
eye ' look ' via the Eizo.

So, my current focus is 100% on the small computer ATM. In the 3 years of having my mind totally elsewhere, getting back into fishing, health and wellbeing issues ( 100% resolved ) , and planning for retirement I have managed to ' forget ' the simple everyday - how to's of much of this stuff. :old:old

......... Externals I use Seagate, powered USB3 ' EXPANSIONS ' ( may have a different name in other Regions) 2 x 1TB, 1 x 2TB and 1 x 5TB ...... suspect I have others lurking.....somewhere.

Internal Drives are a mixed bag of SSD 's for processing, Raptors for regular HDD 's and a Momentus SSD on the small computer.

TBH have had equally mixed results with CD's

The Hat

Printer VIP
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Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
TBH have had equally mixed results with CD's
CD’s work as backups successfully if you record at a low speed, then in years to come your system will have no difficulty reading the saved data, but by using the higher speed you may unintentionally record in many errors too.. ;)


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
Q3 Lightroom itself has ' lost ' 99.999% of images that it had 1 day Prior with same HDD attached. Installer did Full Backup and checked backup integrity as he knows I'm a photographer.
If I understand... the person that setup the computer made a complete backup before the upgrade to the drive, and this complete backup was 100% a copy of the original data. Then your person did an upgrade to Windows 10 on the computer with Win 7 on it. A "clean install" was not done, just an in place upgrade, like a gigantic Windows update.
  1. Is the data - the images - on the drive? Can you see them using File Explorer?
  2. Is the data on the drive but now called something else, either renamed files or a different extension (the 3 letters after the "." in the file name like ".jpg")? If the files have a different extension then they will also have a different icon representing this new file type or attribute as Windows will call it.
  3. Does Lightroom work at all. Will Lightroom function properly if you put a couple new images on the drive?
A friend "suddenly" could not open his images with any app as they somehow had been renamed to a file type / attribute called ".rtx" which Adobe Acrobat thought was its file. This occurred a week or so after I copied all his images - thousands - from his old boot hard drive onto a new SSD in his new computer. I used a batch file rename app to rename all the .rtx to .jpg in one fell swoop and he is back in business. I have no idea how it happened. The images all copied properly and were accessible after the copy process. A week later they were not accessible. My friend has a habit of getting himself in trouble.

The moral of this story is see if the images are still on the drive but now called something else. If the images are not on the drive, regardless of their name or extension, then you have a handy dandy back up to copy them back on your new computer's drive.

Before updating or reinstalling Lightroom, it would be best to consider the information in the following links.



In the first link, note the section on File Permissions and the Catalogue not working. There is a link to the fix.

The first thing to do is make sure your images are still on the drive. Next is consider the links I posted, which may be a job for your computer guy to read and decipher. There is a lot there and I have only read a couple links from my Google search.

Maybe there is an incompatibility of your version of LR with Windows 10 or corruption occurred during the upgrade. Hopefully the solution is contained in either the links or recommendations in this post. The difficulty is recognizing the problem properly so that you can identify someone else's resolution as the correct fix. This is why I asked for you to be as specific as possible as well as complete in your description. Sometimes what you leave out telling makes the difference in resolving your issue.