Workforce 30 CISS photo printing


Printing Ninja
May 7, 2009
Reaction score
Ok my Artisan 50 died on me. For some reason the yellow just stopped sucking ink in. Even after multiple cleaning cycles.

Since my print needs have slowed down some I thought I'd simplify and get a Workforce 30. Well obviously I did install the CISS. One thing though to get a proper prime is you have to install the original cartridges then switch to the CISS. I wasted a whole "set" of cartridges in cleaning trying to get it to prime with the CISS ink, basically one cycle of pushing the buttons. Also if you have stubbornly clogged nozzels or bubles in the nozzles blocking flow you gotta run a cleaning cycle with the OEM cartridges so I keep my OEM cartridges handy. It's gonna suck after cleaning a few times as it uses a ton of ink and my OEM cartridges simply won't last too many of those.

Well the first thing I noticed when printing photos was that in photo paper mode it does not use black ink. It makes a composite black with CMY. It ends up being a little washed out. Not very good image quality.

I did find a workaround to this. Since I'm using all dye inks, you can make the printer use the black by switching to Premium Presentation Matte Paper. This uses black ink AND allows you to print borderless. The only downside is there is no photo RPM mode. So you get slightly grainier photos but I'd trade this for the washed out blacks any day as it's only really noticeable really close up.

So after profiling for Matte Paper settings while printing on my trusty Kirkland Glossy stock I'm pretty happy with my printer.