Pixma IP4300 Print Head Alignment


Newbie to Printing
Feb 23, 2023
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Printer Model
Canon IP4300
I have acquired a used IP4300 (because buying a modern printer would be too convenient) and I don't think the print head is properly aligned because there is some colour bleed in the print tests and smudging in the auto alignment calibration. Since I started using it I've performed 3 software nozzle cleans and 1 deep clean and they have improved the print fidelity, but as these cleans dump ink into the filter at the bottom, I don't plan to do any more. The seller prior to purchase told me that it was non functional printer but then he used a syringe to flush the print head and now it works "perfectly." The printer was shipped with the print head connected inside the unit, so that might have played some part in explaining the less than perfect accuracy.

Here are some print issue examples:
DSC_0408 circled.jpg

You can see the errant magenta in the yellow and the grey-green brackets. Post deep clean, only the bracket bleeds show up.


Although out of focus, as I was too mesmerised by the llama to remember how to properly use a camera, you can see there's a stepping effect all the way through the image. This has markedly improved post deep clean, and seems to be a mostly cyan issue anyway, but...


We see the problem, though reduced, is still present while overlooking scenic Machu Pichu, noticeable in the blue mountan range parts to the left of the llama.


The print head shows some smudging on one line only and auto alignment hasn't fixed the issue so far.

Any thoughts on how I might solve the rogue colours and illegal stepping effect that is ruining my enjoyment of images of various wooly creatures at high altitudes, that certainly, I did not purchase this printer exclusively for? All help from the printer-sages will be earnestly appreciated.


Printer Master
Jan 24, 2011
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Kmt. 0.
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This has nothing to do with alignment issues. It’s partially clogged nozzles on the second stripes of cyan and magenta. These two channels have a smaller droplet size than the others, hence they’re more prone to clog if the machine hasn’t been used for some time, because ink may have dried inside the nozzles. The smudges/fuzziness you see in the vertical bars at left are a clear sign that some nozzles are partially or totally clogged. Instead of ejecting a neat droplet of ink, they spread it like mist.
You didn’t say which inks are installed on the printer, OEM or third party ?
This is important because, if it’s third party, the best way to fix the problem would be to install genuine Canon carts and let the OEM ink slowly dissolve the clogs. A solution that takes some time and patience but it works most of the times, provided none of the nozzles are permanently damaged.


Newbie to Printing
Feb 23, 2023
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon IP4300
Thanks for the helpful reply.

The inks are all OEM, as provided by the seller. The amount of dust also provided with the printer is a good indication that it was not used for some time.

What kind of time frame might I be looking at with using the genuine ink as a declogging method? I have a window of 2-3 weeks to decide if I am to return the printer. I would rather keep it, but if it has sustained some kind of damage, then that may dampen my enthusiasm. Would it be possible to remove the clog by flushing the print head with a cleaning solution / alcohol?