New Epson T128X/T129X Cartridges


Newbie to Printing
Nov 18, 2010
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Hi everyone,

Sorry if i missed something already posted on the forum, but i DID search for several key terms and nothing came up.

I recently bought an Epson sx425w printer (spur of the moment i guess, didn't check out ease of refilling first) and now my black cartridge is almost done, and i was trying to refill/reset it.

First of all, the printer uses the T1281-1284 line (smaller) or T1291-1294 line (bigger). They're new (i guess) 7-pin cartridges with 5 on the bottom and 2 on top.
I've tried searching for a schematic of where to puncture them to refill, but i've found nothing so far, and i wouldn't drill a hole in it without being sure.

Second, i've tried resetting the chip: i've bought an Epson 7-pin chip resetter, but the pins are aligned 4 on top, 3 on the bottom, and it appears to not work. From most of my searches, all Epson resetters have this configuration (so far).

So, does anybody know if these cartridges can be reset or refilled? And if so, how do i go about doing this. And if not, is there anything i can keep on doing with the printer (besides actually buying new cartridges, which is almost worst case scenario).

Thanks and, again, sorry if i missed a post that already contains this info somewhere.