Missing segments in nozzle check


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
The nozzle check looks OK save for the Matte Black. The 3620 has two choices for printhead cleaning. Use the Black only option. And you might need to try again a few more times.
If the BK does not clear at all it could be due to a printhead failure. Seen this in my deceased last December 2 yr old 3640 that had one nozzle go south before it would not start after holidays.
That said, you will also need to know a peculiarity about these printers. Over time, you will bump into a situation where if left unused for period, you might get a bad nozzle check on say cyan. You do a clean and it gets worse and then you do a clean and another color acts up, then cyan clears ok and then the other colors gets worse. This will surely happen to you. There is nothing that can be done but keep performing head cleans. Over time, air builds up even in these precision core heads. If it appears you diligently must purge. There is no need to panic at that point.
I would say at this point, you have some air in the BK if it was OK before. You will need to clean some more to get rid of it. Air in the head can sometimes be stubborn.
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