Canon Pixma MP280


Newbie to Printing
Mar 15, 2020
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Dayton, Ohio USA
Printer Model
Canon MP280
Hello All- I'm a new guy from Dayton, Ohio, USA, and was privileged to find this site with all its good information and assistance- I just LOVE the Do-it-yourself culture. Since retiring from a cop shop over here, I've found great pleasure in repairing my small engine yard tools, and recently bicycles since getting back into them last August. It's more than saving money- which is nice as well, but repair over throwing stuff away provides a sense of accomplishment and gratification.
Getting an 09 error with service tools provided by The Hat to someone four years or so ago, and the one Peter recently provided in reference to Potsie's post. I have tried every hard reset combination I can find to no avail. I was wondering if maybe an earlier driver version for the printer may make sense. I'm pretty sure this model uses the 5 taps on the reset button method as this gets me into a steady green power button with a blank screen. Also darkens the options on the tools and allows them to be clicked on, so I thought maybe a communication issue with the driver?
I included Potsie because I also thought the purge pads were the ink absorbers, so I know I have to tear this machine down to get to the ink absorber(s). However, if I can't reset then the cleaned pads will mean nothing, so I thought I'd see if I can get the software figured out before tackling the hardware.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
PS- I originally posted this just to The Hat, Peter and Potsie, and at that time either was getting and error code of 06- or else I'm getting dyslexic. Maybe not though, because at that time the toll was hanging up- and with error 9 it is not. Can't help it- reminds me- did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic? Stayed up all night wondering if there really was a DOG!


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
Printer Model
Canon MP990
Which version of the service tool do you use? I recommend V3200 or V3400. Older versions with lower version numbers might have problems with 64 bit Windows and the newest Windows versions.

It is important that a USB connection to the printer is used even if the printer might have wireless capability, but I think the MP280 is not wireless. It is also important that only the printer you want to make service mode operations on is connected to the computer, no other printers may be connected to the computer whether they are turned on or not.

Error code 006 means the printer hasn't entered service mode. Error 009 is worse. It means that the service mode operation cannot be performed due to a mechanical or electronic error in the printer.

Even if the service manual is simplified it might be helpful. You find downloads in this post. You need both the basis manual from the top link in blue and the bottom link for the supplemental manual for Canon MP280 / MP287 / MP288 / MP495 / MP497 / MP498

Yes, the MP280 needs 5 taps on the stop/resume button to enter service mode, but the proper procedure is important, so see this post for how to enter service mode on the MP280. See this post for the reset of the absorber counter after the printer has entered service mode.

If the absorber is more than 95% full but less than 100% full all service mode operations should be possible. If the absorber is 100% full, the printer is locked in user when in normal user mode, and the only possible service mode operation is resetting the absorber counter. After resetting the absorber counter the printer should be unlocked. Hopefully this is the cause of the error 009. else you will have to find the error that prevents service mode operations.

Edited to correct a link.
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Newbie to Printing
Mar 15, 2020
Reaction score
Dayton, Ohio USA
Printer Model
Canon MP280
I just used the v3200 you had linked someone else to in the past, but completely uninstalled the old drivers, then reinstalled them from Canon's site. Then I found your post assisting someone last August---
and followed your instructions- instead of doing a test print or EEPROM first- I did what you recommended and reset the absorber value to 0, THEN did the EEPROM button and sure enough- I got a printout which showed the D value at 0!!! The Error 08 is completely gone now- and I am still getting an 02 Error on the led and a pop-up 5100 error when trying to print- but I'll work this one out. The ink pads are reset and the tool worked!
You are also correct that this model is USB only- no wireless.
Thank you for the manual link as well.
Now it's time to get dirty hands- or gloves- but unlike my lawn equipment- this will be somewhat pretty dirt!!:)
Thank you for your help!


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
Printer Model
Canon MP990
....The Error 08 is completely gone now- and I am still getting an 02 Error on the led and a pop-up 5100 error when trying to print- but I'll work this one out.
I guess the error 02 is error P02? The same error also gives the pop-up error 5100, see the service manual p. 4. The most likely cause is a dirty timing strip. The strip can be cleaned using a piece of soft tissue paper wetted with a window cleaner with ammonia. See this post. The MP270 is very similar to the MP280, so the image should also apply to your printer.


Newbie to Printing
Mar 15, 2020
Reaction score
Dayton, Ohio USA
Printer Model
Canon MP280
Yes, it is really dirty- so I'll clean that to see if that does it before diving into the disassembly to clean the pad.
After viewing a few disassembly videos, I don't feel so bad- lots of people confusing the purge pad with the waste ink collection pad. At least Potsie5 and I didn't make videos on how to clean the wrong things!
Thanks again!