Best place to buy QY6-0084 print head for Canon Pro 100


Printer Master
Jan 24, 2011
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Do you mean that there're actual counterfeited Canon printheads out there ?
( I don't mean counterfeited Canon boxes but the printhead itself ).
I thougth that all those printheads on Ebay/AliExpress were genuine Canon. Not new of course, but heavily used and in most cases defective.


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Do you mean that there're actual counterfeited Canon printheads out there ?
( I don't mean counterfeited Canon boxes but the printhead itself ).
I thougth that all those printheads on Ebay/AliExpress were genuine Canon. Not new of course, but heavily used and in most cases defective.
Tbh, I thought the same but the legal position that Canon has been taking seems to indicate that someone is selling off counterfeit units, so you do have to wonder if that's the entire market. After all, how would these companies be getting hold of used units to refurbish them?


Getting Fingers Dirty
Feb 10, 2022
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As far as HP are concerned, they pursue a different agenda and will stop at nothing to prevent the use of 3rd party inks, including court action..

Canon printers are way, way different to HP, and Jose Rodriguez gets everything he thinks he knows second hand and talks through his arse quite a lot of the time to the point of putting the viewer to sleep.

On the subject of the Yello Gello, that’s now a thing of the past and was cause by incorrect refilling of an OEM cart, and it can be cleared out of the print head by using only OEM inks and patience.. Other severe methods can cause the loss of the print head..

Please don’t mix up HP with Canon because they are worlds apart when it comes to ease of use..
There is some truth to what you say, but the designs between HP and Canon are very similar. Both are thermal, both use very similar optical encoding, similar mechanics. I actually marveled at how similar they are when I opened up my first Pro 10. The layout is nearly identical to my Designjets.

By the way, I hate the proprietary way that HP encrypts their chips so that they can't be precisely duplicated, and it is true that HP will go out of its way to prevent the use of any 3rd party products; but on the other hand, my favorite printer is my old Designjet 500, bought in 2003, that still hums away after all these years, and after the roll paper that has been run through is can be measured in kilometers. I use the HP mostly to print photographic backdrops and even wallpaper, and the occasional banner. The driver works perfectly with Windows 11, as well. I've replaced the printheads, and a rubber belt, which is all that has been needed in that amount of time. Just looking at the canon pro 2000 and my pro 100 and pro 10, there is no way that they would last half this long--the mechanicals are not nearly as robust as the HP Designjets.

Having said that, I've seen nothing beat the pro Canons for color accuracy. Epson, I can't comment on because I've never had nor have I ever worked on one.

As far as the yello jello in the pro 10, that problem was based on one aftermarket ink from Precision Colors. There are other, specifically Chinese, ink suppliers that have differing formulations. It was a particular ink from Alibaba that caused a customer's OEM ink to gel in the supply tubes and 3 printheads. Some other brands will mix fine with the HP inksets. It's actually a crap shoot, but I have seen these incompatibilities. You never know what is in that formula that might make it clot or gel when mixed with other inks.
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The Hat

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Canon recently started legal proceedings against sellers of "counterfeit items" which appears to include printheads so this may explain why so many of the supposed OEM heads on fleabay, etc... are failing... So, as noted with a few other folk earlier in this thread, better to buy from Canon service centres directly
I wasn’t aware that the Fleabags were manufacturing their own print heads and passing them off as genuine new heads, they were originally refurbishing the old heads and selling them as new heads to unsuspecting buyers.

The only thing wrong with the new genuine Canon print head is their prices, nobody wants to fork out the best part of $200 plus, so they fall for the more attractive Fleabag price as the best option.

But of course we all heard that penny wise can be pound foolish, and there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and we then end up paying twice for the proper genuine print head or worse, dumping their printer in disgust..

I stupidly buggered up the head in my newly acquired Pro 10 immediately after getting it second hand, and had to buy a new head to get it working again and then later bought a second head as a spare, all in all I paid twice as much for the heads as I did for the printer.. But still worth it..

So yes these new heads are far too expensive to purchase as a separate unit, but an necessary evil if you want to continue to enjoy the pleasures of home printing..


Printer Guru
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I took a big chance on a printhead for a MG5320 a few years ago, and due to my vigilance
in looking for imposters against genuine, it paid off.

The big difference for me was learning about how genuine Canon packaging differed from imposter
and fake packaging, and steering away from the fakes. It was a $70 fix against a $300 printer,
and it paid off, as it's still working well for my mother(whom I gave the printer to),
and running on refilled ink tanks.

Just Google "Canon counterfeit vs genuine" to learn.

Look for the telltale signs.
Once you understand those signs, the search becomes simpler.