
  1. KeithM

    Evaluating a Printer Profile

    I have been on quite a journey for the last month trying to create my own ICC profiles for my printers. I had a Spyder instrument, but just could not get a decent profile with it. So, I managed to find a new ColorMunki on eBay. I have been using Argyll to calibrate my monitors for several years...
  2. craig carr

    Colour calibration help please.

    I have a epson r3000 and a P800 both running inktec powerchrome k3 pigment inks. I have downloaded the paper profiles for each specific printer from the paper supplier yet the difference in print is big. I need to get them to print as close as possible to each other. Do I need to invest in a...
  3. apetitphoto

    Profiling excursion

    I rented a Colormunki pro to see if it could help with my setup. Which is: - Epson WF-3620 - Precision Colors DuraBrite inks - Red River papers Overall: Yes, it worked well (for my eyes). Even with OEM inks it seemed to print a bit on the cyan side. With Red River profiles and PC inks it...
  4. PalaDolphin

    After ColorMunki Calibration

    I can't remember such a painful feeling of buyer's remorse worse than when I just received my X-Rite ColorMunki via UPS, calibrated my monitor, then viewed a sample matrix and it was too dark. Oh, that's right, this happened right after printing on my new Pro-100; everything was dark. Hence...