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  1. R

    Is it dead - Canon Pixma Pro 10-S, 26 flashes, error 6700

    What would that 30 second press do after changing battery and unplugging in your opinion? Is what you mean ,to replace battery while still being connected to the grid? As my PRO-1 just wasted a lot of precious ink after reconnecting and resetting it, and as I am just happy that the printer is...
  2. R

    Problems and Service Mode Tricks with Canon Pixma Pro-1

    Hello together, Just got my PRO-1 back to life with a 6700 Error / 26 times flashing yellow and 006 service tool error thanks to this forum. I accidentally unplugged my Pro-1 from the wall over christmas, and there it was lying for a week without tension. When I switched it on again, yellow...
  3. R

    Is it dead - Canon Pixma Pro 10-S, 26 flashes, error 6700

    /edit: replied to the wrong thread, this is an answer to this thread: since, however, it offers a solution to a similar problem I will leave it here as a crosspost./ Hello together, Just got...