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  • Thanks for getting back to me On the reset download. I got it to reset. Was still getting service required but printer was still printing. I filled the black ink up and did a print check. Then red lights started flashing. So I ran the reset again. and this time it. said it reset the counter. And I have had no trouble since. Never got the red lights till I ran the print check. Anyway thanks
    Good stuff... Chances are you'll get it again sometime soon and you can use WICreset tool to read the waste counter (no key required for that) to see how soon it's likely to hit.

    Best of luck...
    What is the WICreset tool. Also you mentioned the AdjProg I am running Win 7
    There is currently a person looking for refill advice for a 3880 on DPReview, want me to point him your way?
    Thanks for thinking of us but right now we're up to the proverbial eyeballs in training and a lot of reorganisation from the ground up so we're swamped. I also don't have direct experience with the 3880 so probably best someone with more hands-on help them out. Cheers though..
    Found your link this morning regarding canon mp830 not powering on- "removing the power cord and then uncoupling the power supply unit from the internal connectors, before reconnecting them and replacing the power cord, somehow resets something in the printer and/or the power unit."
    Can you provide a bit more detail of how to remove to remove/reconnect the PS unit? Thank you for your help.
    Best way to do that is to locate a copy of the Service Manual (@PeterBJ may be your best person to help with that) and then check for the information on replacing the PSU...

    Sorry for the delay in responding.. forum time is currently very limited.


    We're currently wait for the issues with 550/250 and 551/251 ARC's to be resolved on third party refillables so not got anything except inks resolved for the relevant printers. OEM carts are less than ideal for refilling given physical design too but I can certainly add it to my "take a look at" list once the main work is done.
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