Canon PIXMA iP2600


Getting Fingers Dirty
Mar 1, 2009
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Saint Regis Falls NY
I have a walmart special at $29.95 that I fitted with a ciss from the UK. I've had the system since April of last year. When ink got low I just refilled the reservoir tank and kept on printing. I had a problem of cross contamination between dye ink and pigment ink so I flushed out the printhead and tank and refilled with a known ink type in both. For the most part it still works however at times I been getting blurry or no black ink. I have the tank so its bottom is about 3/4 inch below the bottom of the printhead as it sits in the machine. When I run a test pattern the pattern doesn't look right, but when I print out a test pattern I made in "paint" all the colors are there including the black test pattern. I wrote to the company and they said depending upon usage the head should last two years. What do you all think?


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Toronto, Canada
tmierzwa said:
. they said depending upon usage the head should last two years. What do you all think?
Depends on your usage it could also last ten years. It depends on your usage.

The Hat

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You said you have the CISS on you Canon for 13 months with no problems till you refilled the ink reservoirs, then your problems begin. It looks like you have put the wrong ink in to refill your system. Most of the CISS units made for Canon printers dont recommend using pigment black as it tends to clog up in the tubing when not in use.
Another possible cause could be that the 3rd party ink you used doesnt mix with the original ink supplied with your CISS. (Canon ink + 3rd party ink = ok / 3rd party ink + Canon ink = ok), but 3rd party ink + 3rd party ink = possible problems..:|


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tmierzwa said:
For the most part it still works however at times I been getting blurry or no black ink.
When I run a test pattern the pattern doesn't look right, but when I print out a test pattern I made in "paint" all the colors are there including the black test pattern.
Your statements are confusing, can you clarify?

What does "run a test pattern" mean? Are you talking about a nozzle check?

What is the difference between "run a test pattern" and "print out a test pattern"?

Keep in mind that your printer has one pigment black ink and three dye ink colors. In some modes of printing, specifically printing on plain paper, the pigment black ink will be used but when printing on photo paper, and maybe when printing from "paint" (I'm not sure about this), only the dye colors are used and black is obtained by using all three dye colors and no pigment black ink.

This is why it is important to use a nozzle check to diagnose these problems. It always uses the pigment black ink to print black no matter what type of paper you use. In fact, you will notice that it never asks you what type of paper you are using so the printer has no way of knowing.


Fan of Printing
Feb 2, 2011
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Colorado Springs, CO
ghwellsjr said:
This is why it is important to use a nozzle check to diagnose these problems ..... you will notice that it never asks you what type of paper you are using so the printer has no way of knowing.
I've wondered about a related question ... when I do a nozzle check, does the print-driver do the equivalent of changing the MediaType to Plain "behind my back"? The setting is only three tabs away on my 9000-2 and iP4500.

Sometimes I do a nozzle check on actual photo paper to be able to see the results more clearly. My impression is that even if I set the MediaType to "Glossy", it will still assume Plain. Correct?

Same if I put in thick Card-Stock paper for a set of 4 nozzle checks on one sheet, front+back? MediaType of Plain used regardless of the MediaType specified in the print-driver?

Hmmmmmmm ... Now I'm wondering if a nozzle check would be valid on thicker card-stock paper or thicker photo paper. I suppose thickness could throw off the alignment and give a "false positive" or "false negative". Or not?

BTW, I'm still fuzzy on just how alignment and nozzle checks are related, or if they aren't. You or one of the other Masters have tried to explain it to this dim bulb, but iirc, the explanation went over my head.

Just checking ... I've found I learn the most when someone "corrects the error of my ways" and clears up misconceptions on my part.