bad CISS',air in tubes, or printer cartridge design count allow vacuum?


Getting Fingers Dirty
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
Printer Model
canon pixma pro 100
I own 2 Epson XP 15000 printers that have CISS attached to them. On both, the ink in the tubes reaches the cartridge but more than occasionally, and with every color at different times breaks the flow and backs up into the tubes and sits there. I did everything I know. I pulled air out of the tubes through a syringe at the back of the cartridge, Pushed air from the other side (although I stopped this as it seemed counter-intuitive). I've manually filled the ink levels in the cartridge and then attached the tube to minimize air buildup. Nothing sustains a vacuum in the tubes. I also don't see the ink move while the printer prints as on my other printers as proof that a vacuum is created. I also own a Canon Pixma Pro 100 to which I also have a CISS. Ironically with that CISS, there are small clear plastic pieces that go over the nozzle intake to ensure vacuum seal whereas it is not needed with the original cartridge Canon made. With the cartridges for the Epson being a sponge, is it possible that it cannot make a vacuum or a best it needs some sort of sealant as did my Canon? Any and all help, tips, etc... would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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I own 2 Epson XP 15000 printers that have CISS attached to them. I also own a Canon Pixma Pro 100 to which I also have a CISS.
I don’t reckon I can give you any vital tips, more like criticism, just dump the Ciss on your 15000 and reinstall your original OEM carts, and fill them as needed.

But as for your Pro 100, you know you shouldn’t be using Ciss on this machine either, but if its working for you then what can I say..

Foot note:- the Ciss sellers always say their products are guaranteed to work great, but then they would say that… OEM carts are always best no question..