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  1. S

    IP4500-missing Cyan nozzle check

    Cyan is getting better but now the PGBK is clogged :mad:
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    IP4500-missing Cyan nozzle check

    Well I think it is a little bit better now after some more cleaning (more tap water + wet paper towel with window cleaner left overnight):
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    IP4500-missing Cyan nozzle check

    These - Yes, I use Inktec ink. through the top I tried the wet paper towel method with warm distilled water, window cleaner on the screen for the cyan nozzle and also on the larger purge pad and I even ran warm tap water onto the print head from both sides but I still get...
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    IP4500-missing Cyan nozzle check

    When I print the nozzle check again, it looks always the same (lines missing in the same place), does that mean anything?
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    IP4500-missing Cyan nozzle check

    Hi, I think I have the same problem with my ip4500, can anyone help me with this? Nozzle check: (scan, photoshopped so you can see it better, inverted)