Precision Colors and the Dye ink Magenta Issue on Canons

Roy Sletcher

Indolent contrarian
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Dec 20, 2010
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Ottawa, CANADA
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Lucky you that you haven´t received elusive answers, also you received e x p a n d e d explanations! Maybe the call of duty is restricted to Canada!

Far from it. I think is more a matter of pragmatism and realistic expectations.

He answered my emails because I asked a question, and I am sure anybody asking a question would get an answer. Not only good business, but also courteous.

If you want 100% certainty the OEM world beckons. For me that means about C$23.00 per cart including retail taxes.

I can refill with PC inks for less than 10% of that. The main financial risk is a print head about C$100. I have refilled two sets of carts from December and up to today. I will need to refill again early February.

Do the maths - I am quite simply operating in my own best interests.

The unknowns mentioned in this thread still exists. I am merely saying why the calculated risk of using his products works for me, and possibly others.

Talking about unknowns:
“Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.” United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld answering a question

Roy Sletcher

Indolent contrarian
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Dec 20, 2010
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Ottawa, CANADA
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Canon Pro-100, and Epson 3880
I am so glad I am not the only one who had issues with magenta. Always magenta. Never yellow, never black.

I switched over to OCP, cost me a pretty penny over IS prices, but for the most part 90% of my clog issues went away.

Also good to know - I will files this away in my knowledge base for future reference if things do NOT go as planned.

For the record I have never had a magenta clog. Not saying it doesnt happen, merely Imay have been lucky.


Roy Sletcher

Indolent contrarian
Platinum Printer Member
Dec 20, 2010
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Ottawa, CANADA
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Canon Pro-100, and Epson 3880
Is that you, Apostle Roy, faithful follower of Canon law?

That¹s me. The halo is in for colour balancing, but otherwise in full spate. Just like an Ancient Roman sewer.



Print Addict
Dec 24, 2010
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Of course questions are asked, but well... answers are...
I was indeed very polite, not blaming at all, but asking to understand things better.

I get my 221 OEM ink set at 25 dollars. I also use genuine ink, the printhead dedicated to none but OEM has 3.5+ years, no issues at all.


Printer VIP
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Jul 2, 2006
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Toronto, Canada
So mikling,
sorry to post this up again..........but can you please answer the question.
Is there any concern (in regards to head clogging) at this time in using the Magentas that were in the kits sold last Fall?

thank you,

Look, I have not had 8 hours sleep since January 1st when I returned to Canada. 5-6 is the best I can get. As soon as I awake, I am working. I am working and turn the computer off just before I go to bed. 7 days per week. I have cancelled my annual medical checkup to catchup. So don't think I am sluffing off.

The problem is elusive and not explainable in simple terms. I have tried to get the labs to determine what the problem is and the answer they propose do not make sense. I sold far more than other refiller dealers and this is the only way I suspected something was different. If you read my initial post, it was not like this many many years ago 7-8 years. I do not have definitive answers nor does IS because something has changed and they do not know what. It is my suspicion that something has changed in the dye that they are being supplied. Why? We never had this problem before. This supposedly same dye has been used for at least 15 years. Why is something happening now?

I have changed all the magentas in my kits as soon as I had a large suspicion something was not right. All my dye magenta inks are not from IS at this point. I do not know what other global dealers like the one in UK is doing. But that is my position. This takes time to test others and to integrate it in.

I also indicated that I will offer retro changes as I cross each bridge. If you read the first thread I pushed and pushed for some answers. Answers that are beyond my capaibility of giving.

The most important one is the PC42 Pro-100 and that should address all issues now. Period for that inkset. I alsready posted a good price for that. The latest iteration makes the previous inkset look stupid really. It is that much better now.

You see, I don't know how many people will be affected because the problem is elusive. Out of the same batch, we have recently found some gallons do not have a problem and some do. Nobody can answer that question as to why? The mfr cannot either. Don't look to me...except that I have changed from IS magenta and it turns out to be much much better color balance. If you want to move on, by all means.

All I can say, is when I offer a solution, you are free to use it or not. Will you be affected???? I don't know. My recommendation is to use the upgrade for $10.50. You will NOT get cheaper ink ANYWHERE so what's holding you back?

Maybe I should have just kept quiet like most dealers have.
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Print Addict
Oct 2, 2014
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Canon Pro-100, ip6600D, i900D
LOL mikling,
I'm in no hurry, just know how subjects get lost after a while..............and Geez, i asked a simple question as i had just bought all the ink late last year and now get to throw it in the garbage.
Sorry for stepping in your Corn Flakes............:plbb

Robert Lemlin

Getting Fingers Dirty
Oct 25, 2014
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mikem65D- I received my order for inks in late Dec, initially winced at having to dump the unopened inks, but now am happy to throw them out to get the more closely matched ones. $10.50 for the replacement inks is a pittance. If you include shipping costs, it's about the the cost of 1 canon replacement cartridge.
Wouldn't you agree, a great bargain by any calculation?
Mike (mikling), this forum can manage without you for a week. Get some more sleep, the magenta problem will be more readily solved with a more rested mind.


Print Addict
Oct 2, 2014
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Canon Pro-100, ip6600D, i900D
mikem65D- I received my order for inks in late Dec, initially winced at having to dump the unopened inks, but now am happy to throw them out to get the more closely matched ones. $10.50 for the replacement inks is a pittance. If you include shipping costs, it's about the the cost of 1 canon replacement cartridge.
Wouldn't you agree, a great bargain by any calculation?
Mike (mikling), this forum can manage without you for a week. Get some more sleep, the magenta problem will be more readily solved with a more rested mind.

I whole heartily agree, and i confirmed my admiration for Mike's offer and his willingness to be as honest as as is..............God forbid, i am never unhappy with buying from Mike.
But, i just asked for a simple answer to a simple and honest question that i feel i asked in good i have 2 weddings worth of pictures to print right now i was just concerned about whether or not i might have a problem by continuing to use the ink from last batch........
I don't sit here all day everyday like most forum mongers, so i did not see this update until just the other email about it either, so EXCuuuuuse me for asking a simple question.....................Geez, let's not make this a DPReview episode.

Back to golf.



Printer Master
Feb 4, 2014
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Look, I have not had 8 hours sleep since January 1st when I returned to Canada. 5-6 is the best I can get. As soon as I awake, I am working. I am working and turn the computer off just before I go to bed. 7 days per week. I have cancelled my annual medical checkup to catchup. So don't think I am sluffing off.


Maybe I should have just kept quiet like most dealers have.

Indeed, Mike, at least some let the buyer experiment, do not answer mail and even deny on their blog (this doesn't mean all their products are bad, on the contrary).

I do not have a PRO-100, but from my (1 year) experience with the IS pigment inks for the PRO9500 I can only say that I didn't find better yet, and that I accept the small differences since it is 5 times cheaper than OEM.
My small problems (MX7600/IX7000) where trivial (and I found a solution myself), I should not have bring them up gain, my apologies.

Sad that the uncertainty at some time about the manufacturer caused so much trouble, I admire you for your honesty and tenacity to solve them.

Take care of yourself.


Newbie to Printing
Jul 14, 2014
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pro 100
looks like I have a fairly large clog with my Magenta on the pro-100. The printer and printhead were new as of last fall. I stopped printing once I saw the clog but does anyone know how to tell if the logic board is fried? This is my 3rd pro-100 in about 1.5 years. I refill with Precision Colors ink and Mike thought I may have fried the logic board on one of the printers. (kept going through printheads in short time) I am new to refilling and have been trying to learn on the forums..but have lots of printing knowledge to catch up on...Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!