Have you ever tried to report a landline fault in the UK?


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Jun 25, 2014
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NO that will not had been set up for "emergency" use. If they had done that (IE found a line that worked say because all the others were chopped in half) they would had lifted your number to that line (basically connect you on a different cable/a line NOT in use and then allocate your phone number to it).

Your calls INDEED will go to that NEW numbers bill if things are back to normal before the next billing period for that number. HOWEVER if anyone else now has your OLD number the calls they make will end up on your bill.

One of a few things has happened here......

1) your line was dead and beyond repair for whatever reason (which is rare) so they have migrated you to a new line and forgot to allocate your number to it. In most cases an easy fix, sometimes without even needing an engineer, getting a phone drone to understand it though is another thing.

2) the whole thing has been a right (BLEEP) up and the MANY in the area now have different numbers (this would be even more rare). Ask neighbours ESPECIALLY TALK TALK users if they have a line back and if they do is it their old number.

3) One of TWO likely things....... As a Talk Talk customer you use something call LLU, basically that means at the exchange you connect to Talk Talk equipment rather than BTs. A piece of Talk Talk equipment has ended up fried, they have replaced it and their customers either now have no line still or they have (BLEEPED) it up and connected some people back incorrectly on the ports of the line card leaving you all with either half working phone, half working internet, nothing working or a connection that works but has no services applied properly to it (if you subscribe to an answerphone service try that and see if it now works i bet it dont).

4) The second of the most likely... Talk Talk being a LLU had fried/equipment fail and now rather than do the hard work of tracing all lines or paying BT wholesale to migrate customers numbers back to what they were have now just allocated you all new phone number (if you get a paper bill you will soon know as your next paper bill will have the NEW number on it with your name). This is quite common, if you migrate your phone from BT to Talk Talk, Sky and other LLU providers sometimes they just allocate a new number instead (can sometimes be cheaper than paying BT to migrate your old number to their network). Its also why if you read the small print for LLU providers it says something like "Migrate your number to us" with some even smaller print elsewhere saying basically "where possible".

Of all the above number 4 is the only one you should not worry about unless you want your old number back, in that case still chase them. If its 1 or 2 then you MUST chase them, its will cause nothing but issues in the future, if its number 3 HOPE and PREY Talk Talk know what they have done with the new set up (Talk Talk rarely have a clue so watch your bill).

PS does the NEW phone number still have the same area code and first digit number of the actual phone number compared to the old one???????


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The answer to your last PS question is yes. Another relevant point is that many providers were simultaneously affected including BT, which puts the origin further out.

There is TalkTalk equipment in the chain, they made a great song and dance about it years ago, speed etc, when the new providers were setting up, but I think the origin of the problem probably falls in OpenReach's area. However the absence of broadband and the incorrect number probably originates closer.

I was talking today to someone who had a line failure early this year with BT, she was very upset at the time. I asked how long she was without a phone and the answer 4 to 5 weeks. So my 2 weeks is nothing!

As I said it will probably require government action to change the rules.
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Jun 25, 2014
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The problem if its many in your area will be at the exchange (By area i mean the town/county you live in generally) If when you say "many in the same area" you mean your actual street and a couple of streets just off yours then the issue could be at a cabinet level (those big green things) or the exchange. Generall a cabinet will have something like 600 lines running into it (or a few streets worth) if the problem is wider than that (EG both sides/ends of your town) then its likely at the exchange.

I suspect what has unfortunately happened to you, equipment somewhere has failed and because you are a Talk Talk customer they have decided rather than fix it properly or wait for BT to fix things properly they have shoved you on another line port, resulting in a different number. If its a fresh previously un-used number this will be fine (unless you want your old one back) HOWEVER if they do not update databases properly if you ever try to move supplier for your broadband you may have issues as those orders are based on a database on numbers corresponding to addresses.

Im not a talk talk customer so dunno what info their account pages give when you log in, but if you log in here.......
is there any info about account numbers, phone numbers etc, and if so has it been updated to reflect your new number? If it has then what they have done is what i have just described (IE rather than try to fix your old line they have shoved you on a new one). If that is the case they consider it more than likely fixed. If they have done things right it will be fine, if they have not dotted i's and crossed t's though expect to have some more messing around getting things like answerphone services, call packages (other services tagged to the line in general) re-activated.


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I see you are making some progress. When we moved to this flat in a new building we had no phone or internet for 3 months while the phone company decided whether the line should go from the pole to the building under or over the ground - about 10 metres....


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There are around 400 lines that have been taken out in this area and Openreach, bless their socks, have been working hard to deal with the work. In my opinion this line has been provided for emergency cover. My calls would be going to their bill not the reverse, but I think it was a vacant line, we have had no calls. My own number does not respond. I am not as pessimistic as you are!!:D

However, I have reported the problem to the provider as you suggest and they are investigating.
Amazing! They gave you a new number and they didn't inform you what it is!


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Amazing! They gave you a new number and they didn't inform you what it is!

I don't think they knew they had done it!! Engineering not talking to admin. I am still not sure they have taken it on board, despite my telling them four times.


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The problem if its many in your area will be at the exchange (By area i mean the town/county you live in generally) If when you say "many in the same area" you mean your actual street and a couple of streets just off yours then the issue could be at a cabinet level (those big green things) or the exchange. Generall a cabinet will have something like 600 lines running into it (or a few streets worth) if the problem is wider than that (EG both sides/ends of your town) then its likely at the exchange.

I suspect what has unfortunately happened to you, equipment somewhere has failed and because you are a Talk Talk customer they have decided rather than fix it properly or wait for BT to fix things properly they have shoved you on another line port, resulting in a different number. If its a fresh previously un-used number this will be fine (unless you want your old one back) HOWEVER if they do not update databases properly if you ever try to move supplier for your broadband you may have issues as those orders are based on a database on numbers corresponding to addresses.

Im not a talk talk customer so dunno what info their account pages give when you log in, but if you log in here.......
is there any info about account numbers, phone numbers etc, and if so has it been updated to reflect your new number? If it has then what they have done is what i have just described (IE rather than try to fix your old line they have shoved you on a new one). If that is the case they consider it more than likely fixed. If they have done things right it will be fine, if they have not dotted i's and crossed t's though expect to have some more messing around getting things like answerphone services, call packages (other services tagged to the line in general) re-activated.

Thanks for the info, I'll look into the void and see what I can find.


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One facility that never seems to fail is the direct debit system that takes money out of your account each month. Although it is probably too much to expect accounts to coordinate with engineering.

Looking at the account details nothing has changed, the original info remains.

The Hat

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The direct debit system is more like Wi-Fi (Magic) so is less lightly to be affected by wires, :( but it is the one area where you can hang them out to dry because it has a paper trail..


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
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Looking at the account details nothing has changed, the original info remains.

If you mean the account info on Talk Talks site still shows your old phone number than they have assigned you this new phone number more than likely incorrectly and it is going to cause all types of problems.