Canon service tool v2000


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One of these days I’ll get my Pro 1 into service Mode, I have tried till I’m blue in the face but I reckon I’ll stumble on the stupid procedure later rather than sooner.

Each new procedure that gets mentioned here no matter what it is, I try them all out and just keep on hoping.. :he

I am trying to remember the saga, have the service Dept modified your Pro1 to exclude you? Is that in the firmware or some memory supported by the internal battery? What are your latest thoughts?

The Hat

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Got it in one @Emulator, that’s exactly what the crafty bugger done to me, I don’t think it’s in the firmware at all; just the EEPROM chip and yes the battery could be a big player in all of this.

I am not willing to pull the battery again because I think that’s what started all of my troubles originally, which resulted in having to send it back to their Service centre just to get a reset again cost me about €280. (Just a 2 minute job) :rant

I am continuing to try out every sequence that I can think of but I reckon they really stuck it to me big time because I won’t get it in time and eventfully it will have to go back to get the ink counter reset. (Another 2 minute job) :somad

It’s a crying shame because the printer is working perfectly now that I’ve gotten new chips for the ink tanks but in the back of my mind I can see the stupid clock counting down to the 100% full notice. :hit

I have no way of checking what % the counter is at right now, but I imagine I’ll get the 80% notice pretty shortly because it was well over the 46% over a year ago.:(
Thanks for asking.. :thumbsup


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Recently I got a couple of requests for links to the service tools. Sadly links don't last forever, so I did a new search. I found this Russian site which has links to the versions 1.050. 2.000 and 3.400. The version 0.700 is of no use. The downloads don't work with a Google translate, but the downloads work from the original untranslated Russian site. They are easily found on the Russian page, when you compare to the translated page.

The downloaded service tools tested OK with both AVG Internet security and Malwarebytes Antimalware.

The download for the ST v1.050 contains 3 files. "crkSTool_V1050, ServiceTool_V1050 and SIP Tools Lite." The crkSTool_V1050 is the proper service tool. There are no problems with the downloads for versions 2.000 and 3.400.

If you have links for service tools, please post them. I will then test teem. If they work and the downloads are safe, I will add them to post #1 in this thread as an update.

During the last half year searching for service tools and service manuals has become risky. Make sure you are using good and updated security software and always scan downloads.
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The Hat

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If any of you guys have trouble obtaining any of the Service Tools then I got 5 of them, v1050, v1074, v2000, v3200, and v3400.

Just PM me and I’ll send on the one that you require ! :cool:
Edit:- now six v3600 also..


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If any of you guys have trouble obtaining any of the Service Tools then I got 5 of them, V1050, V1074, V2000, V3200, and V3400.

Just PM me and I’ll send on the ones you want ! :cool:
You are the best!


Fan of Printing
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Recently I got a couple of requests for links to the service tools. Sadly links don't last forever, so I did a new search. I found this Russian site which has links to the versions 1.050. 2.000 and 3.400. The version 0.700 is of no use. The download doesn't work with a Google translate, but the downloads are easily found on the Russian site.

The downloaded service tools tested OK with both AVG Internet security and Malwarebytes Antimalware.

The download for the ST v1.050 contains 3 files. "crkSTool_V1050, ServiceTool_V1050 and SIP Tools Lite." The crkSTool_V1050 is the proper service tool. There are no problems with the downloads for versions 2.000 and 3.400.

If you have links for service tools, please post them. I will then test teem. If they work and the downloads are safe, I will add them to post #1 in this thread as an update.

During the last half year searching for service tools and service manuals has become risky. Make sure you are using good and updated security software and always scan downloads.
In my fruitless search for Service Tools before finding this forum I discovered some awful junk attached to every download, mainly those browser hijackers that are a bugger to get rid of (ask me how I know this :))


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Recently I got a couple of requests for links to the service tools. Sadly links don't last forever, so I did a new search. I found this Russian site which has links to the versions 1.050. 2.000 and 3.400. The version 0.700 is of no use. The download doesn't work with a Google translate, but the downloads are easily found on the Russian site.
I haven't looked at the downloads yet, but I was able to translate the link you provided into English. Go to Google Translate, paste the link of the Russian site into the left-hand window, make sure Russian is selected for the Left-hand window and English is selected for the right-hand window, and then click the link in the right-hand window. Viola.

Do you know which of these Service Tools will work for the Canon Pro-100 in a Windows 8.1 Pro operating system environment?


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I have no problems reading the Russian site using Google translate. I use the procedure you described. But when I click one of the download links in the translated site, I get an error message:
Den side, du har anmodet om, indeholder desværre en filtype (application/zip), som vi ikke kan oversætte.

which translates to:
The page you have requested sadly contains a file type (application/zip) which we cannot translate. http....

When looking at the screen shot of the service tool in this link, it is seen that the service tool used is either ver. 3.200 or ver. 3.400. And here is a confirmation from Bithead that the procedure from the link worked with ver. 3.200.

I recommend the use of version 3.200 or 3.400. These versions are known to support all Windows versions from XP and newer and both 32 and 64 bits. They work for me with Windows 8.1 64 bits. The newest versions also support most printers.


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I have no problems reading the Russian site using Google translate. I use the procedure you described. But when I click one of the download links in the translated site, I get an error message:
Den side, du har anmodet om, indeholder desværre en filtype (application/zip), som vi ikke kan oversætte.
Thanks for the heads up on which Service Tool to try.

I just tried the link in your quote and it Service Tool downloaded for me. I used both Windows 8.1 Pro native downloader and Internet Download Manager and the file transfer as expected. The ReadMe.txt file within the Zip file was unreadable for me.


Printer VIP
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Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
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Canon MP990
Have you also tried downloading from the translated site? I think we are both using Win 8.1 64 bits and Firefox as the default browser? Maybe I need to change a setting?

Neither Notepad nor Wordpad can read the Readme, due to the Russian text. But Microsoft Word can do it. I copied the Russian text and inserted in Google translate and got this:

Enter the service mode:
3.1. Press and hold down the Resume, indicated by a triangle in a circle.
3.2. Without releasing the Resume, press ON (hold both buttons).
3.3. When the indicator lights turn on - let Resume (ON hold down) and press it twice (at each press of the printer should respond by switching the display: first pressing from green to yellow, the second - from yellow to green), and then release both buttons. The indicator flashes green several times and then green lights constantly.
In the case where, instead of a continuously burning green, yellow indicator light flashing, or winks with green - the printer has an additional error that before working with a service program, you need to eliminate. What is wrong - you can specify in the "Cheats".
If the USB cable disconnected - before starting ServiceTool it does not hurt to connect. Computer detects a new printer and prompts you to install it on the driver - refuse
4 Run the program ServiceTool

Detailed instructions on - Forum fluid technology
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