Testing a Logic board for a Canon MP500?


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
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Perols... south of France
Printer Model
canon MP620
Thanks "The Hat" for your great response.Sounds very clear like spring water... However, I found my first MP500 (let's call it "a") on trash can... after nozzle check it as you could read on my first explanation, I figured out that the PGBK nozzle wasn't working...what was the reason? I'll never know... I found it with refilled cartridge almost empty and for sure with bad ink quality.
(That might be the reason why the owner through it away).
The second MP500 (let's call it "b"),I bought it "as defect" from somebody with no original cartridge inside but with 5 new cartridges (packed) from another company.
The owner told me the power supply was dead.
In fact the power supply was working (I tried the "b" on the "a" ) but there was no way to make "b" starting again.
I tried out the "b" printhead on the "a" and after a nozzle check, it looked worst than the "a" printhead even with the brand new carts. No "PGBK" too.
I thought than the "b" printhead was clogged because of dried ink.(It seems that the owner left the printer in the box for more than 3 or 4 months)
Looked around in many ≠ forums and started to clean it ( hot water baths for 24h isopropyl alcohol etc...) became a bit better but not as the "a" printhead which was just not printing black (I couldn't print any .pdf files or copying in black).
There are so many different companies providing refilling cartridge and so many ink sailers... I don't know who's who... I need to know!!
My interest in printer is brand new, I'm very curious, like to fix, repairing, bringing things which are supposed to be obsolete to life again... I like to spend time to understand why it doesn't work...I believe the only way to learn is to take time in this "No time to loose" world. Most of the recycling area are full of gears which could be repaired with a little bit of Time.
When I repair something it's a victory again this system I never wanted.
I'm fade up with this billions kgs of garbages we don't know what to do with...
Than I landed here and you help me to find my way to grow up.
Thanks in advance for your help and patience.
Back to the subject... as I said to you, early in the morning (after a nozzles check) the "a" MP500 collapsed too.
The "a" printhead was inside already for more than 4 days and I was using it, printing in colors,I don't know why but I decided to make an "cleaning head" processing and than the monitor showed me "6300 ERROR" the alarm light was blinking slowly and everything was "freezing"... couldn't stop it. I had to take the power out from the cable.
Waited 1 or 2mns and plugged in again... still alarm light flashing together with green "Copy" green light (same speed as before).
It might have flashed 20 times before it turned down for ever.Shortly before the monitor turned to black an than I got a last breath...
Sad story...
There must be a thread somewhere with your meaning concerning cartridges, Ink refilling tips for Canon printers I guess.
Best to you

The Hat

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Your certainly going at recycling the right way but you need to read up more on how these little printer work if you plan on getting anywhere with them.

When you had printer A working without the PGBK functioning at all you should have left it working and then concentrated on fixing printer B.

Printer A would have worked no bother if you had set the printer to use Matte paper, then you could have printed both photo and documents with little difficulty on it.

When you get the orange and or green LED lights flashing that means there is a problem with the printer, at that point you should have counted how many times the lights flashed and then shut the printer down till you could have resolve the issues, fix it or recycle the printer again.

Now what you shouldn’t have done was to mix both printer parts together that is usually a recipe for disaster, because the faults on one will transfer to the other and usually end up then killing both printers.

Now there are dozens of threads on the subject of cartridges, printer maintenance, purge unit failure and proper ways to diagnose a whole host of problems and then eventfully fix them.

But it will take me ages to search them out for you but I know a man who is faster, and he just might help me out too, @PeterBJ... :)


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Perols... south of France
Printer Model
canon MP620
Thank you for your help...
I did some mistakes for sure...:hitQuestion: how to fix it??
I'm reading and reading...get so many informations!!:ya
Need to study...:bow


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Perols... south of France
Printer Model
canon MP620
If I wouldn't have been in troubles... I would have never got in touch with you guys...hahaha:thumbsup


Newbie to Printing
Feb 14, 2017
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Oki C3530mfp
Could you troubleshoot your logicboard?
I'm having the same problem on a MP970