Know better about inkjet cartridges


Getting Fingers Dirty
Mar 12, 2008
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A new study says that on average, more than half of the ink from inkjet cartridges is wasted when users toss them in the garbage. Why is that interesting? According to the study, users are tossing the cartridges when their printers are telling them they're out of ink, not when they necessarily are out of ink.

The study by TV Rheinland looked at inkjet efficiency across multiple brands, including Epson (who commissioned the study), Lexmark, Canon, HP, Kodak, and Brother. They studied the efficiency of both single and multi-ink cartridges. Espon's printers were among the highest rated, at more than 80 percent efficiency using single-ink cartridges. Kodak's EasyShare 5300 was panned as the worst printer tested, wasting 64 percent of its ink in tests. TV Rheinland measured cartridge weights before and after use, stopping use when printers reported that they were out of ink.

That's the first problem. Printers routinely report that they are low on ink even when they aren't, and in some cases there are still hundreds of pages worth of ink left.

The second issue is a familiar one: multi-ink cartridges can be rendered empty when only one color runs low. Multi-ink cartridges store three to five colors in a single cartridge. Printing too many photos from the air show will kill your cartridge faster than you can say "blue skies," as dominant colors (say, "blue") are used faster than the others. Therein lies the reason Epson backed the study: the company is singing the praises of its single-ink cartridge approach, an approach which is necessarily more efficient in terms of wasted ink because there's only one color per cartridge, and thus only one cartridge to replace when that color runs out.

Single ink cartridges aren't exactly perfect, however. Such cartridges still were reported as empty with an average of 20 percent of their ink left, which means that an entire cartridge worth of ink is wasted for every five which are used. Given the sky-high prices of ink, this is an alarming find. Epson's own R360 posted the best numbers, with only 9 percent wasted. Yet again, Epson commissioned the tests, so we must ask what's missing.

The study did not measure how much ink is lost due to lack of use, or through cleaning processes. Inkjet cartridges are known to suffer from quality problems if they are not used for long periods of time, sometimes "drying up." This problem has been addressed in recent years, but it has not been eliminated.

The study also did not calculate the total cost per page, which arguably is more important than efficiency. If Epson's multicartridge approach is more efficient, it could nonetheless still be more expensive per page than multi-ink cartridge systems. In its defense, Epson and TV Rheinland said that their study focused on the ecological impact of inkjet printing. This is a familiar argument: hybrid cars have also been criticized for their supposed efficiency, with debates raging as to whether or not your average driver will ever see cost savings from better miles-per-gallon given the relative expensive of hybrid engines.

As such, anyone in the market for an inkjet printer still needs to compare specific models to one another to get a feel for efficiency, and Epson's efficiency claims needs to be weighed next to the comparative cost of competing inkjet solutions.

Still, the unintended result of this study is that regardless of the battle between single- and multi-ink cartridges, inkjet printers themselves are significantly off the mark when it comes to reporting the fullness of their cartridges. As the Eagles would say, you're best off when you "take it, to the limit." (Or with a laser printer, one can always do the toner cartridge cha-cha.)

The original article is from

PS: I made some changes to the article's title and some expressions.


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
There's another reason to go with single-ink cartridges: they're much easier to refill and refilling means none of the ink is wasted.


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Toronto, Canada
The reason Epson commissioned this study is that they now have a technical advantage with a physical ink detector. Since all their cartridges are spongeless the can use as much ink until they detect the intake will be starved. So the can be close to the last drop. This ink detector was implemented after Epson lost a class action suit about this issue. They are now the best regarding this issue and serves to point out that other manufacturers who were equally bad went unscathed by the law.

Canon cartridges with their sponge for ink regulation will need to maintain ink within their sponge at all times. Yes, they have an optical detector but even when this detects empty, the sponge still contains a fair amount of ink.

It would be technically rather difficult to detect ink levels within a sponge. So all cartridges that use this method of regulation are handicapped to start. It is impossible to use all the ink within the cartridge with a sponge because as the ink within the sponge gets used up, it will tend to not give it up as that was effect of regulation in the first place.

While all the points brought up are true, many times one must think behind the report that is commissioned by the party which checks itself. Also when looking at cartridge capacities the important aspect is USABLE ink volume, NOT what is contained within the cartridge as so many do..

Tin Ho

Print Addict
Apr 24, 2006
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It is probably true that when an Epson printer says a cartridge is empty there is no more usable ink you can print out of that cartridge any more. This wasn't the case before they were brought to the court. However, Epson's spongeless ink cartridge still doesn't let you consume every drop of ink from the cartridge. If you rip apart a cartridge that is declared empty you will spill ink all over your hands and your desk. Spongeless ink cartridges have a waste ink tank inside to trap some ink in it for some reason. Once trapped in there the ink becomes unusable. So it is true there is no more usable ink in the cartridge when it is declared empty. But there is still a bit of ink trapped iside that is unusable.

On the other hand if a Canon ip4300 declares a PGI5 empty you can still print and keep printing until there is truly no more ink in the sponge. You will see it on the print. You can see your text missing pieces before nothing is printed eventually. You will know you have used the very last drop of ink from your PGI5.

Epson was caught for cheating. Now they say they don't cheat but others are still cheating. From a consumer stand point I do not give it a damn. Epson is still the worst printer vendor. I can't see why people want to kiss their a$$ for commissioning that study. A PGI5 contains around 25 cc of ink and you can truly use every drop of it. Even if Epson printer let you print until the cartridge is truly empty if you consider the amount of ink wasted in each powering up you still yield much lower usage of the ink.