Canon Pixma MX922 [CLI- 250 Carts] Continuous Ink Supply Systems?


Fan of Printing
Jul 8, 2007
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In Printer Hell on Occasion
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Canon MX922/Canon LBP6230dw
As a new Mx922 user, I am now refilling carts that were made for refilling. They are clear not black like the OEM carts. The refilling works OK, but is a bit messy[the videos don't show any mess!].
I have seen ads for Continuous Ink Supply Systems. They seem to save the trouble of refilling carts.

They are around $40 USD including ink from EBAY seller SUPERTOBUY. This EBAY seller even has a video of the installation of a CIS system on the MX922. I was surprised how easy it was. This seller says the system handles AUTO RESET. I would want to verify that before I bought such a system. There were other Ebay sellers of such systems and Google identified several non-Ebay sellers. From the pictures in the various ads, there seem to be 2 or 3 styles of systems. All seems to work alike. One seller talks about the need for a damper in the CIS systems.

What do folks here know about these CIS systems? I searched Forum Canon posts for 2015 and didn't find any info about these CIS systems.

The Hat

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@vienna01, if you are finding refilling a bit of a task right now I would strongly suggest you stick with it and you will get better with a bit more practice.

Now if it is not too late and you haven’t purchased a CISS yet well don’t, save yourself a lot of time and money and stay clears of these stupid systems for your type of printer.

They look dead easy to install and are recommended by all the suppliers selling this junk as the best thing since sliced bread, trust me on this one they are not, they are simply a disaster waiting to happen in your house.

Your printer is the new generation type specially designed by Canon not to work any type of CISS system and believe me they don’t, it will end up costing you lots of time, the price of the CISS and most likely your printer too, it would be a nightmare to maintain and run.

The only alternative to costly OEM carts are the refillable type carts, the ones with the twin removable plugs are easier to fill, maintain and use with resettable chips and come with full refilling instructions..


Fan of Printing
Jul 8, 2007
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In Printer Hell on Occasion
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Canon MX922/Canon LBP6230dw
The Hat:
From the subtle tone of your response, I barely could understand that you don't think that CIS systems are quite as good as the sellers claim.
<grin>. Thanks for the advice. I have not bought one and based on your feedback don't plan to buy one. I am curious-What kinds of problems do folks experience with these systems?

I bought the set of refillable carts and ink from PrecisionColors. I have just installed the first refilled cartridge as my OEM setup cartridges started to run out. I bought the ink bottle tops where the needle screws onto the bottle avoiding the need for a syringe. The ink vendor has a series of instructional videos that I watched. I hope it will get less messy as I gain experience. I replaced the setup cart as soon as the printer warned me. I did not wait until cart was reported empty. Since I refill myself, there is no advantage to using that last drop. I took the warnings about never run dry to heart. I ruined a print head years ago by waiting until the printer refused to print because cart was empty.

Mr/Ms The Hat: I noticed a couple of interesting things in your signature- "My own refill method" and you use Octoink's KMP Pigment Black.
I clicked on "My own refill method" but the link didn't work for me. Please give me the URL for that.
Why do you use the pigment black from KMP instead of PrecisionColor's version?

Finally: Thanks for your reply.
In addition to myMx922 I just bought a Canon LBP6230DW B&W laser. It was very inexpensive. I find it so much faster and hopefully cheaper to operate. Where I don't want color I try to remember to print to the laser. I is not an all-in- one but the MX922 serves that need well. There are many non-oem laser cartridges available for it at good prices. Since quality is not a concern, I'll just pick one that's relatively cheap and try it.

The Hat

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Hi @vienna01, CISS systems are great on the right machines but on everything else they can be a disaster, that’s especially true on the smaller Canon cartridge printers, I have used them with some success with the CLI-8 cartridge machines.

You can experience things like losing all your ink into the printer and that could be as much 500 ml, carts running dry and burning out the heads, tubing coming loose and jamming up the carriageway and paper delivery system, or worse still, the contents of the reservoir bottles deciding to empty out onto the carpet overnight, I could go on and on..

Its Señor Sombrero by the way, I haven’t taken to cross dressing just yet, but there’s still time, the links in my signature don’t work because of limited space, I’ll give the links to my filling methods at the end if your interested.

The KMP pigment black is about the best black that I have ever used, it works with little or no clogs, it’s water proof and prints very smoothly with no bleaching and it’s even blacker than OEM pigment ink, in short pretty good stuff.

To use your laser printer instead of your MX992 when you hit print, go into [Devices and Printers] right click on the Laser printer and select SET as Default Printer, the next time you print you won’t have to select the Laser each time.


Fan of Printing
Jul 8, 2007
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In Printer Hell on Occasion
Printer Model
Canon MX922/Canon LBP6230dw
Mr The Hat, SORRY, from your name, THE HAT I could not tell if you were male or female. I didn't look at your profile to see if it listed that info.
Are there any inconveniences or extra costs buying pigment ink from UK when you use Euros and they still use GBP?
Thanks for links. Yes, I SHOULD set my laser to default. Why I don't do simple stuff like than, I don't know. Maybe I have hidden anti technology genes. More likely I am just put off doing things until not doing them bites. I'm 77+ so I'll blame everything on tired brain cells.