Canon Error 6A00 and 5C10


Newbie to Printing
May 15, 2011
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I refuse to give this up. I just bought a used (yeah, I know) Canon MP830 and I keep getting the dreaded errors in the subject line. I have done EVERYTHING that I have read on the internet. My last ditch effort was removing the ink pads and soaking them with windex (most recommended), let them dry, put them back in and still no damn luck. Does anyone out there have any other ideas? Please, I want to win! And yes, all the lastest drivers and software have been installed.

I thank you for any time taken to help me out.


The Hat

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The dreaded 6A00 would suggest a jam in some part of the printer internally and is or was not cleared properly.
Can you push a small piece of heavy paper or card through the paper path
to check that it is completely clear of debris?

You could also try moving the print head back and fourth on its carriage manually
to check if there are any obstruction and that it can move freely from one side to the other (unplug cable).
Try this with the print head and cartridges removed and report back..


Newbie to Printing
May 15, 2011
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Thank you to those that replied. Here is an update on everything I have done:

Removed the ink pads and soaked them with windex. While waiting for them to dry, I cleaned the inside with windex and ensured that the print pads were moving up/down and the print head wiper was moving back/front.

Just to mention a couple of things. Past the purge unit there is a white lever. When I first got in to the printer, this lever was moving freely but now it seems to be permantly pressed down. Either way, it still didn't work. And where I believe the purge pads to be, the white area just between the sponges and the wiper, it appears that the right side of this very small white area, is just a tad higher. I tried to push it down to be level with the left, but the whole area pushed down as well. Please keep in mind that with every step I took, I did turn off/on the printer.

Next I removed the ink cartridges and the carriage. I cleaned the tops of the sponges (?) as well as the contacts on the back and bottom of the carriage and internally. Re-assembled the unit and slid it across the bar a couple of times and parked it on top of the purge unit to the far right.

After that I greased the bar that the carriage follows. Then with a damp, lint free cloth, I wiped down the black band along the back and I also checked the ribbon.

I'm sure I did a bunch of other stuff too that I don't remember but the end is always the same, that little prick of an error 6A00 with 5C10 rears it's really ugly head. I'm inked from head to toe but I'm still not going to give in. It seemed like such a snap for everyone else, so what is wrong with mine? Do I need to replace the entire purge unit? If so, is it expensive? This is a very nice unit that I only paid $15.00 for. I think it's worth a shot to try and fix it myself without having to spend a fortune. Yes or no?

I saw a post somewhere that this guy buys these all the time for a fews bucks, fixes them and sells them for a profit. The way I interpreted it was that he thought it was kind of funny that people just trash these when they get this particular error, not knowing that it's only a few bucks to fix. I'd like to hear his solution.

Anyway, short from disassembling the unit, I have exhausted all of the options given to me. And again, I thank you. Anybody else out there have a clue?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I have come to the conclusion that the carriage is not moving automatically. That's kind of important huh? A whole new problem, new suggestions anyone?




Printer Guru
Mar 9, 2009
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mztess said:
Anyway, short from disassembling the unit, I have exhausted all of the options given to me. And again, I thank you. Anybody else out there have a clue?
You have done all that you could without taking the cover. It is time to get a MP830 service manual or Google disassemble instruction to take the cover off. It is impossible to fix purge unit mechanical problem without the cover off.


Fan of Printing
Feb 2, 2011
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Colorado Springs, CO
mztess said:
Anyway, short from disassembling the unit, I have exhausted all of the options given to me.
Have you checked with Canon tech support? I've been pleasantly surprised at the email help I've gotten from them, even for an older iP4500 I got used.

Also, please "help us help you" by updating your profile with location and refilling-related info, especially printer(s).